#no shade to Bumpy's egg
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aristaspark ¡ 4 months ago
Another JWCT season 2 Kenlynn analysis because I'm obsessed and I don't know if the writers are geniuses, or if I'm getting worked up over a whole lot of nothing 😂.
So, bear with me.
Kenji's arc in season 2 is clear from the first episode: he's throwing himself at danger because of the losses he's suffered. He's broken.
But in all that sadness, he has one last glimmer of hope: Bumpy's egg.
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He's the one the most attached to it, even more so than Ben. After all these losses, it's the first sign of something good happening in his life. It's the contrary of death, a birth, "someone" new he can love.
During the entire season he's the most concerned with the egg, obsessed with getting it back, almost dying for it (more on that later).
Now flashfoward to episode 8: he discovers that Brooklynn is alive.
When he finds out, he's confused, hurt, mad, shook to his core (but props to the animators, for a split second...you can see that he is just... so happy).
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"She's alive?"
But the hurt and feeling of betrayal is too hard for him to grasp, so he pushes all his feelings away. He knows it's not the time.
And what does he do in order to push away his feelings about Brooklynn?
He focuses on the egg, as we established the only thing in his life which isn't tarnished or hurtful. And he desperately needs it right now, now that his whole world is crumbling down even more. This shift in his priorities is shown when he says this:
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"The eggs... Brooklynn took Bumpy's egg..."
At this point, Kenji's motivations are still unclear, but this line suggests that his main goal, the thing the most important to him at this moment is the same as it was at the beggining of the season, aka getting Bumpy's egg back... not getting to Brooklynn.
So when he goes berserk, driving like a madman, running as if his life depended on it to get to Brooklynn, of course we have the feeling that he wants to see her, but he's also running to achieve his objective, which has always been to take care of Bumpy's egg, and it just so happens that Brooklynn is the one obstacle to his goal.
We can see he's desperate, but it's left to interpretation as to exactly why.
Until he finally catches up to Brooklynn.
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It's Brooklynn's hand he grabbs, not the case. The thing he wanted the most is in his direct reach, yet he grabbs her hand. In this moment, he completely forgets about the egg, not even sparing it a glance, not mentionning it even once.
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All that matters to him is that the girl he loves is there, in front of him, which he thought would never happen again.
We finally have the confirmation that the reason he was so eager to run to that airport wasn't to get the egg back, but to see her. And not to get mad at her, no, just to... get her back.
And then, Brooklynn leaves.
She leaves them, but she leaves him. It's him she looks at the last, his grasp she frees herself from, him who utters her name afterward.
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They're still at the center of the scene, and the scene is a direct call back to the break-up scene (also... their colors are matching, it's like not even a little subtle, which tells me there's a reason Brooklynn wore a dark blue shirt the entire season...which is SO NOT her color).
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Notice how even there, it's Ben who remembers to ask Brooklynn to give them the egg.
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"Wait! Bumpy's egg... it's in that case..."
It's SO FAR from being something Kenji can focus on right now, now that Brooklynn is in front of him.
We then find out that before boarding the plane, Brooklynn has given Kenji the egg. Not Ben (who was the one who asked for it), not Darius, but Kenji.
...And Kenji looks the most heart-broken he has ever looked.
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He has just gotten his hands on what he thought he wanted the most, his ultimate goal this season, the very thing he threw himself into fire for, into an ocean beaten by the storm... and yet he's not even looking at it, his eyes instead watching the plane take off with Brooklynn inside.
He's gotten what he thought he wanted, but at what price?
It's not to diminish his link to Bumpy's egg. As I've shown, he risked his life countless times for it. But it just goes to show just how much Brooklynn matters to him. In that last scene, it's made clear that the thing he wanted the most, was for her to come back to them, to him. But she didn't, and gave him the egg to make up for it, as some sort of consolation price.
But it's not, and it will never be.
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tlirswriting ¡ 3 months ago
[They Colonized Mars, entry 3 // start here]
For the world is hollow 
> Stepping outside into the Martian evening, light scattered by the dusty atmosphere paints the city shades of pale violet through the glass dome covering it, the distant sun appearing blue as it sets over the horizon. Two moons rise across from each other in the east and west; both smaller than Earth's Luna, and less round, bumpy and roughly egg-shaped. 
> Mars is colder than it looks — a desert of red sand and rocks — and while the biosphere is heated to tolerable levels, it still isn't toasty in the warehouse district. Atlas’ boots crunch into a thin layer of ice on the sidewalk, SaM-B's claw-like feet scratching for friction beside him. 
> “Do you have a name?” He asks it. “A real one, just for yourself?” 
> “My designation is unit number one-thousand-three-hundred-and-forty��” 
> “But is it you?”
> It thinks for a second. “I don't know.” 
> “Fair enough,” He shrugs. “Just something to think about.” 
> It beeps. “Connection lost — I am out of network sensor range.” 
> Atlas uncovers its cameras and shoves his vest into his bag. 
> “Oh.” SaM-B pauses in its tracks, blinking its lights. 
> “What do you think?” Atlas adjusts the strap of his bag over his shoulder. 
> It looks around for a moment, angling upwards to the tops of buildings. 
> “Hey.” He nudges it with his foot. “What do you think?” 
> “I don't know,” It beeps. “I've never seen the sky before.” 
> Shuttles intermittently shoot down the tracks beside them, stirring up clouds of red-orange dust. 
> “I have somewhere I want to show you,” He says. “Somewhere… Somewhere fun. For people like us to go when we’re not working.”
> “I am ‘people’?”
> He thinks. “Sure, if you want to be.” 
> They make their way through the city, neon signs flickering on as the night darkens. Moving away from the warehouses and factories, there are smaller businesses, repair shops and defunct mattress stores. Atlas ducks into an alleyway, following a familiar path twisting down a few levels, and there, underneath a tattoo parlour, is somewhere to go. 
Next >>
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hepbaestus ¡ 8 months ago
Egg Camp Day 1 - Arrival
I can't draw for shit but I can write! So here's my egg Ping's first day at camp (@which-qsmp-egg-would 's wonderful egg camp event. I hope I wrote your eggs' well @semifontos and @grapesintomatosoup)
Put under a read more because it's like 1k words and I don't want to clog up people's dashes :)
(It is also not proofread, so please ignore any glaring errors . It is almost midnight as I'm writing this)
He’d enjoyed the bus ride to the camp, albeit feeling a little nauseous from the bumpy dirt road that the minivan had driven down to get to the camp. The sounds of birds chirping their songs, and grass swaying in the wind attracted Ping’s attention as he jumped from the last step to the ground. He gripped the straps of his penguin backpack tight as he did, it had been a gift from his grandparents at the announcement of his trip, they had wanted him to enjoy his time without worrying about the goings on at home.
It was his first time at any sort of camp so he looked around for someone who looked like an authoritative person, they saw the others who’d been on the bus milling about underneath a wooden arch, with beautiful engravings carved out, which stated that he was at ‘Camp Egg’. It was a gated area surrounded by lush tall trees of heights he’d never seen before, having lived in the bustling city where nature was not so lustrous.
Guided to the central point of camp, where in the distance a river could be seen, they were greeted by a stage where seven figures stood, smiles on their faces. Ping stuck to the back of the group, lagging behind slightly as he took in the sights. Egg Camp was a place he’d wanted to go for years, finally being allowed to go after much begging and negotiation on completed chores. 
“We here at Camp Egg aim to provide a place of fun, entertainment, learning and community,” the white figure with a brown moustache spoke as they moved towards the front of the stage, commandeering the arrival’s attention. Ping, lost in their fascination, did not face the stage with his head, still in awe at the shades of colours he’d not seen in such vast quantities.
“There will be many opportunities here at Camp Egg, however, since it is your first day, you will spend the day moving into your new cabin room.” The evident leader spoke, finally gaining Ping’s attention at the mention of moving into cabins. It was something that he’d fretted over, back at home, as he hoped his cabin mates would like him. 
The names of camp counsellors were announced, as with their assigned campers. Groups of three were guided towards their cabin, all walking quickly to learn about the space they’d be sharing for the foreseeable future. The white figure spoke once more, with the rabbit man standing by his side, followed by the sound of two pairs of feet shuffling their way out of the now dwindling group before the white figure spoke once more, 
“Ping. Is Ping present?” He���d been shaken out of his stupor, it having been clear from the figure’s voice that this was not the first time his name was announced. The rabbit man looked across the crowd as Ping awkwardly lifted his hand and was gestured by the rabbit man to stand with his bunkmates to the side of the group.
The two he’d be sharing a cabin with looked sweet, one with shaggy white hair and white wings and the other shorter, and certainly more nervous as she was tightly clutching a bunny plushie to her chest. His shoulders fell from their tightened hold in anxiousness as he walked towards them,  releasing the breath he’d held. He would have a fun time, he would just have to remember that there were likely people more nervous than he was and that he’d need to tread lightly so as to not destroy any chance of making friends.
They were led away from the group and to a building of white quartz with a bamboo roof. The entrance was raised, with bamboo railings for safety, they followed the rabbit to the entrance. As Mr. Rabbit, as he’d introduced himself on the way up, opened the door, the sound of a loud horn disrupted their movements. They all turned towards where the sound had originated, with the sounds of birds fleeing their nests in fear overhead, as the blank smiling figure announced once more, “Welcome to Camp Egg.”
Mr. Rabbit turned to face them once more, before detailing who he was and what he expected of the three. It was nothing too exciting but Ping paid close attention, not wanting to miss out on important information. As Mr. Rabbit spoke, he reached behind him and twisted his bag so that he could unzip it and grab something. He quickly lifted his hand back out, clutching yellow squares of decorated fabric.
“This needs to be visible at all times,” Mr. Rabbit spoke while separating the squares from one another before handing one to the tallest of the three, “this is our cabin’s signature bandana. It isn’t there just to be soft and pretty. It’s there in case any of you get lost and are stranded with another cabin.”
He hands a second bandana to the nervous child as the taller one tightly secures theirs around their arm, “It’s there so that any of the other cabin leaders know to call me if you get stuck with them,” he chuckles to himself as he holds out the final bandana to Ping.
With the bandana he’d been given as Mr. Rabbit departed inside, he tied it around his forehead, holding the hair up minutely. He’d been the last to receive his cabin signifying item, with a gentle scolding about paying attention, he walked through the doors.
The inside decorations of the cabin could only be described as warm to Ping, with earthy wooden tones to compliment the yellow appointment of the cabin. There was a small bathroom to one side, a door with a small sign stating that it was Mr. Rabbit’s room and a door slightly ajar with rustling sounds coming from it. He explored some more, quickly placing his bathroom items in his labelled basket, before heading to the bedroom.
As he entered he was greeted once more by his bunkmates, with the winged one half leaning half sitting on one of the beds and the other hurriedly searching her bag. For the grandeur of the cabin’s exterior, the bedroom was rather plain, with both single and bunk beds and a framed bandana above the door frame.
He gently placed his rucksack and bag on an unclaimed bed next to a window. It had a nice view of the landscape that surrounded the camp and it would hopefully help them sleep in the first few days of getting used to the routine he would learn. Sitting on the bed, with one leg dangling slightly above the floor, he gently rested his penguin shaped backpack against the pillows and lifted his main bag onto the duvet.
The three bunk mates spent the next several hours talking amongst themselves, getting comfortable sharing each other’s space, unpacking their belongings and learning about the places in which they’d grown up. All three came from starkly different places but they found common ground in the things that made those places home; the people, the sights, the smells, the things that gave them comfort. Though different for each person, each of them could relate to those feelings and places to their hometowns.
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clownsindresses ¡ 2 years ago
Of course yes there are nuances to this but!
I actually do live in a small farm. I live in a rural area where it's not uncommon to see chickens in yards. I see goats pretty much every time I drive anywhere. And it's probably the most sustainable way to get any animal products ever.
My chickens? They get reliable food, love, a large area caged away from hawks and racoons. The ducks get hosed down when there's no rain and a kiddie pool to splash in, plus the chicken privileges. Our female turkey who no longer lays eggs gets to stick around because she's chill and a good mother when she goes broody.
We've raised pigs. They had space and were strong and smart enough to escape easily if they wanted. In fact, once they DID escape. One pig got out while our bulldog got in with the other pig. They just kinda hung out and the pig happily went back in. They were butchered. But they lived very very well, even getting back scratches with a rake. They were killed quickly and ALL usable parts of them were used.
My mom has many allergies and sensitivities to chemicals and preservatives. Those pigs that we raised allowed her to actually eat pork and bacon that didn't make her feel sick.
The eggs we get taste different than store bought. They LOOK different. If you pay attention, you can tell exactly what chicken laid what egg. Some are bumpy, some are light blue, we get double and even triple yolks all the time and they lay less if they're angry. (Like in the heat, they have a lot of shade but it's still hot in the summer)
My family raises meat birds usually every year. They don't get stuffed in a small cage per bird, they get to have their own flock and be outside. We don't think of them as these non-animal bags of flesh. They're animals we raise to eat, and we appreciate and care for them because of that! They're seen as valuable chickens who are doing just a different job of our normal flock. They're creating food.
Even the animals on a good farm that are raised purely to be killed will be treated well and kept safe. It's better for both the animals and the humans, and farmers will always realize that. Love your local farms. That love will be passed to the plants and animals there.
listen. listen. the consumption of animal products is about mutually beneficial relationships Not domination and that's why prioritizing animal r*ghts over animal welfare is an absolutely brain fungus take to have
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softboywriting ¡ 6 years ago
A Perfect Fall
Summary: You and Shawn have been best friends for most of your lives and since you were a teenager you’ve had a crush on him. He has no idea, or so you think. Things are about to change, and all it takes is a trip to the best pumpkin patch around for true feelings to surface. [fluff] [best friends to lovers] [fall/autumn theme]
Word Count: 4k
|Masterlist In Bio|
If someone were to ask you your favorite color you would say gold. Gold like the leaves on the trees in the middle of October. Gold like the letters of Shawn’s last name gilded across the back of the letter man jacket that sits over your desk chair at home that he left there a year ago. Gold like the sun going down over the river on a cool autumn night. But most of all, gold, like the color Shawn's eyes are when he sits across from you in a barn an hour from your house and stares out at horses in the nearby corral. He's beautiful. Breathtaking. Outstanding in every way. He's your best friend in the entire world and he has no idea that you're completely gone for him, or does he? Let's go back to how this day started.
Beeping, incessant, droning beeping. The sound of your alarm clock going off at its regular time, seven in the morning. Right now you should be getting up and making yourself appear to be somewhat human before heading to class, praying you remembered all of your homework. You should be scrambling through your kitchen, grabbing a banana for breakfast as you head out to meet Shawn in his Jeep. Not this week though. It's the first day of Thanksgiving break and you're so happy to be able to smash that snooze button and bury your face into a pillow.
Your phone goes off, a low buzz buzz against the pillow your head is on. You've almost fallen back to sleep, nearly reached that floaty state of perfect warmth under the blankets that gives you an express ticket to dreamland. Almost.
Buzz buzz.
"For the love of everything holy, can you go away?" You groan angrily into the pillow. As if the phone might switch itself into silent mode out of pure fear. That would be that day wouldn't it?
Buzz buzz.
You slide your hand under the pillow and extract your phone, turn your head just enough to see the screen and lay it against the pillow next to you. Three missed messages.
Shawn: you awake?
Shawn: get up loser i have coffee
Shawn: I'll come in there
You drop the phone on its face and tug your blanket up over your head. If he wants you to get up on your first day of this mini vacation from the hell that is your second year of college, he can come get you his damn self. He may be your best friend, and yes, you may be head over heels for him, but getting up early on vacation happens for no man.
The sound of rattling outside your window followed by a dull thump is a dead giveaway that Shawn has scaled your mother's new trellis and tripped on the old shingles of the back patio roof. Clumsy and dumb. That's Shawn for you.
"Get up, hey," he talks against the glass as if you'll hear him better by doing so but ends up only muffling his voice further. "I know you're up."
"Go away!"
The latch on the window wiggles, you can hear a familiar scrape of his student ID card from his wallet against the wood of the window frame. You watch as the ancient lock flips 180 degrees and the window slides up, sending a cold gust of morning air into your bedroom.
"You're a dick." Shawn grumbles, squeezing through the narrow window frame. He's had trouble getting through it since freshman year of high school. Really the only reason he's climbing through it now is to avoid making too much noise coming in the front door and enduring the wrath of your dad who is surely still asleep because he works nights at the packing plant in town. Shawn woke him up once by just walking too loudly and that was enough.
"You're a dick for waking me up on my vacation." You roll over and face the wall.
Shawn flops on the bed, leaning over across your legs and waving something in your face. "I am not, I'm the best person ever."
"Come on! Look at the tickets!"
You slip your hand out of the blankets and snatch the papers from Shawn's hand. Two all access passes to the Friendly Farms Pumpkin Patch. You narrow your eyes at him and he raises his eyebrows. This is such an unfair move. He knows how much you love pumpkin patches and he knows that you've never been to the Friendly Farms Pumpkin Patch because it's so far away and it usually costs an arm and a leg if you don't buy preseason passes.
"Eh? Whatdya say? Me, you, old J-Bone and the open road to the best place to get your pumpkins this side of the river?"
You groan and drop the tickets on the pillow. "Okay! Okay fine I'll get up." You shove the blanket back and it covers his lap. "But stop calling the Jeep "J-Bone" it's so weird."
"She has a name okay, and I'm gonna call her by it."
You sit up and shove him down on the bed. "Freak."
"Only for you." He smirks, sticking his tongue out and making lewd licking motions.
"Oh God please stop." You throw your pillow at his face and get up to get dressed in whatever was semi clean. Laundry had taken a backseat to classwork these days, you’re planning on catching up during the break.
One big hoodie, Shawn's that he left at your house a few days ago, a pair of leggings under some fitted sweatpants and a lopsided ponytail later and you're ready to go. As promised Shawn has a coffee in the Jeep for you as well as a croissant breakfast sandwich.
"How long is this drive again?" You ask over a mouth full of buttery sausage and egg goodness. "An hour?"
"An hour and a half."
"I'm gonna go to sleep then."
Shawn chuckles. He pulls the Jeep out of your driveway and heads for the highway. "I have a feeling you'll stay awake."
"Why's that?"
"The drive is too beautiful to miss."
Shawn is absolutely correct. The drive down the highway is way too incredible to miss for just a few more minutes of sleep. Of course you've seen the trees around your town turn shades of red, orange and yellow before but driving through open roads where trees grow in massive forests completely unbridled by man, is an experience you won't soon forget. Never in your life have you seen so many different hues of fall colors at one time.
"Shawn, pull over, I need to get out and do something."
Shawn looks over and quickly turns off the highway onto the shoulder where the gravel meets the grass. "Everything okay?"
"More than okay." You grin and unbuckle your seatbelt. You open the passenger door and slide out, leaving the door open as you tromp across the grass to the edge of the forested area. Behind you Shawn kills the engine and you can hear his door open then close followed by your door being closed.
"What are you doing?" He laughs, following you into the trees. "We're not even at the pumpkin patch and you're going crazy."
"I've been crazy. You know that, come on, we've been friends for how long?"
"Twelve years and counting."
You stop before a tree that has bring pinkish red leaves on it. They're like no others around it and you pick up a few of the ones that have fallen. "Pink leaves." You hold them out and Shawn takes one.
"These are pretty. I've never seen them this color."
"Take my picture? I wanna remember this tree forever."
Shawn takes your phone and types in your pass code to unlock it. He's the only person on the planet who knows it beside you and you know his as well. "Alright, do you wanna pose or something?"
"I'm gonna throw a bunch of leaves up in the air and if you can, try to snap the picture as they fall around me?"
"I'll do my best." He chuckles and kneels down a bit to get you in full frame for a better angle.
"Okay on three? One, two, three!" You fling an arm full of leaves up into the air and laugh as they rain down over you.
"Nailed it."
"Really?!" You rush over and Shawn hands you the phone. Sure enough it's you standing and grinning at the leaves as they fall around you with the pink tree in the background. "Oh my God it's perfect."
Shawn puts his arm around you and starts walking back to the Jeep. "I've been messing around with my friend Josiah's camera a bit. He showed me a few tricks for everyday stuff."
"Oh wow, fancy boy."
"Shut up, I am not fancy."
"Fancy pants Mendes learning all the tips and tricks on photography to pick up chicks."
He scoffs. "Yeah, as if. I just wanted to try it out. Josiah takes some awesome photos and it looks so easy, I was curious how he did it."
"I'm just teasing you Shawn." You pat his chest as you reach the Jeep and he pulls his arm away from you. "I think it's cool that you're interested in photography. It's definitely something that could be useful one day."
"Like taking photos of you today."
You smile and let out a little laugh. "Yeah, definitely like today."
Shawn gets in the Jeep and you haul yourself up into the passenger's seat. "You ready for the real fun to begin?"
"Hell yeah. How many pumpkins do you think we can fit in the back of this thing?"
"I dunno," he says, looking into the back where the seats are down and then looks at you. "But we're not going to find out."
"Buzz kill."
"Sorry, but I'm not having my Jeep chock full of pumpkins."
"Psh, it's for science."
Shawn's rolls his eyes and signals as he pulls out onto the highway. The two of you have at least another forty minutes before you reach the farm. Shawn turns up the radio and you decide to lean the seat back and just enjoy the rest of the ride.
The entryway to the Friendly Farms Pumpkin Patch is huge. There are wrought iron gates with metal pumpkin cutouts all along the bars of the fencing with ivy like casts on the top. Shawn drives down the bumpy dirt road to the designated parking area and stops to park near the ticket windows and actual gates inside. There are maybe a dozen cars already parked as well, which considering the popularity of the place isn't hardly anyone. It's still early though, they have just opened for business at nine and it's only about a quarter till ten.
Shawn opens the back of the Jeep while you grab your backpack purse off the floor of the backseat. "Do you need a water bottle?"
"Yeah." You walk around to meet him. "I thought you were going eco friendly?"
"I am." He hands you a reusable metal bottle. "I promise I washed it this morning."
You slip the bottle into your side pocket and chuckle. "Like we haven't been sharing germs forever."
"True." He closes the door and pulls the tickets out of his back pocket. "Ready?"
"I was born ready."
Shawn wraps his arm around your shoulders and heads to the ticket windows. You're excited beyond belief to see what is in store for you beyond the corn stalk covered gates before you. It's going to be perfect.
To say the pumpkin patch is beyond expectations would be about right. You and Shawn walk past the ticket booths and through the gates into a whole town built up around the fall theme. There are shopping booths, food booths, a sign for a corn maze, a hay rack ride, and the pumpkin patch. There is a whole slew of games and places to take photos as well and all that is just what you can see when you walk inside. There's a whole path along the shops that just keeps going and you are floored.
Shawn grins at you, beaming, because you're beaming right back at him. He knew this place was going to be great. Photos online just didn't do it justice. "What do you wanna do first?"
"Just...take it all in." You walk forward toward the center of the town like set up where there is a huge wooden windmill, hay bales and benches all sitting in a circle around it.
Shawn walks along beside you and chuckles. "It's pretty awesome."
"Awesome isn't the word." You laugh and plop down on a hay bale next to a smiley homemade scarecrow. "It's a dream, Shawn."
"I'm glad." He thumbs toward a nearby caramel apple stand. "Let's get a snack and start this day right huh?"
"You read my mind."
You and Shawn spend the whole late morning into the early afternoon wandering around, checking out the entire lay out of the pumpkin patch. You grab cider around eleven and then cocoa at noon. A late lunch consists of a shared smoked turkey leg, a funnel cake and some tomato salad that was being made fresh by some little old ladies at a booth near the center of the patch. The food is incredible and you and Shawn take turns feeding each other bites of this and that, giggling when one of you ends up with powdered sugar on your face from the funnel cake.
Spending time like this with Shawn is the best and worst thing to ever happen to you. It's a glimpse at what life with him would be like if you were together. Your heart swells every time he leans in to say something about the scenery that he’s noticed because you think he's going to kiss you.
Lunch wraps up and Shawn goes to toss your trash in a nearby oak barrel that's set up as a trashcan. He dusts his hands off on his jeans and pulls his sweater off over his head. "Here," he holds it out to you and you raise your eyebrows.
"Why do I want it?"
"Because you're going to get cold on the hayrack ride."
"Psh no I won't."
"Yeah you will." Shawn bunches up the sweater from the bottom up and holds it out for you to put your arms in. "Come on, I know you wanna."
You stick your arms out and he helps you get the sleeves over them and tugs the sweater down so your head pops through the neck hole. "It's so warm." You look down and pull out the soft knit fabric that's far too large on you. "You must be like a thousand degrees."
Shawn shrugs. "I'm always hot. You've slept with me, you know that."
"I-I-" You freeze, brain definitely going down a very different road from what Shawn means.
"Yes?" He chuckles.
"I have not slept with you."
"Well, not like that but... y'know." He shrugs and you knit your brows together.
What does that mean? Y'know what? What do you know? Does he want to sleep with you like that? What...just what?
Shawn waves his hand in your face. "Hey, earth to space cadet. The hayrack ride is gonna be boarding soon."
"Oh! Yeah!" You shake your head and start walking toward the signs pointing to the line for it. Shawn follows close behind, throwing his arm around your shoulders and leaning his head on yours.
You and Shawn take a seat at the back of the ride on a hay bale covered with a red plaid blanket. He's completely right about you needing his sweater. It is a lot colder up off the ground with the breeze from the moving ride blowing around you.
"Look, there's the pumpkins!" Shawn says, pointing to the left.
You look over through the slats of the walls of the ride. Sure enough there is a sea of orange pumpkins and deep green leaves that are yellowing with age as the plants are ready to be picked. There are a couple of very big ones and you definitely need one of those. You don't care how you get it to the car, you need it.
"Check those out," you say, pointing out the massive pumpkins.
"Holy cow those gotta be like fifty pounds."
"I want one."
You sit back and stare at him with your eyes wide. "Okay? You're not gonna convince me to get a few small ones instead?"
"Nope." He grins. "I'll buy you that pumpkin there."
"What's the catch?"
"No catch."
You narrow your eyes but don't argue the deal any further. He must have some motive. There has to be some catch. Maybe he'll say you have to move it or something. Seems fishy.
The ride stops at the entrance to the pumpkin picking area and you and Shawn get off with a few other visitors. There are tons of great pumpkins all around but you waste no time heading for the giant ones.
"How are you going to lift that?" Shawn pipes up as you reach them.
"Well, that's why I've got you."
"Oh? I'm gonna lift that?"
"Please?" You pout your lip out. "You said you'd buy it for me."
"I did." He chuckles, circling the giant orange mass. "I sure did."
"Regretting that?"
"Absolutely not."
You put your hands into the sleeves of Shawn's sweater and put them over your ears. They're cold and you wish you'd brought a hat or even some earmuffs. "Can I get it? For real?"
"Yes." Shawn kneels down and lifts the pumpkin up with ease. "Let's go."
"Isn't that heavy?"
"Not that heavy." He smirks and you walk next to him out of the patch to the line of employees waiting with ATVs that have little trailers attached for carrying visitors pumpkins to their cars or to the front entrance to drop them off until they leave.
"Name and car description?" The woman at the ATV asks as Shawn loads up the pumpkin.
"Mendes with an s. Black four door Jeep Wrangler." Shawn says, dusting his hands off. "We'll pick it up at the gates."
"Alrighty." The woman scribbles down Shawn's information and peels a sticker of her clipboard to put on the pumpkin. "You got a big one eh?"
"Yes." Shawn wraps his arms around you and lays his chin on top of your head. "Biggest one for my best friend."
"That's so sweet. Would you like to pay here or at the gate?"
"Here." Shawn pulls his wallet out and hands over a ten dollar bill, the rate for extra large pumpkins from the yard. "Thank you ma'am."
"It's what we do," she says with a smile and a tip of her floppy straw hat. "I'll see this baby up to the gates. Have a friendly fun time!"
You and Shawn wave her off as she drives away with your pumpkin.
Shawn pulls away from you and grabs your sweater covered hands. "Wanna go over to the barn and feed the horses?"
You glance over at the big red barn where they show the horses and cattle throughout the day. "Sure. It doesn't look took busy."
Shawn turns around and squats down. "Get on my back, I'll carry you over there."
"What? Why? I can walk!" You laugh and he pats his back.
"Come on!"
"Okay okay, don't have to tell me twice." You climb on his back and he hoists you up so he can hook his arms under your legs. It reminds you of when you were nine and you first met. Shawn was big then too, tall for his age and athletic as ever being in hockey almost year round. He would always give you piggy back rides around the yard to catch lightning bugs on hot summer nights.
Shawn drops you off on a haybale near the first stall inside the barn. There is literally no one in there at the moment and you have the place all to yourselves. "I'm going to get a couple of drinks. Any preference?"
"Cider is fine. Hot please."
He disappears and you lean back against the old wooden wall. Today has been one of the best days of your life hands down. It's everything you love all wrapped into one, a pumpkin patch, oversized sweaters, hot cider, pumpkin picking...Shawn. You sigh and chuckle to yourself. Did Shawn realize how romantic this is? Did he have any clue how it must seem to any stranger passing by? The two of you would be the cutest couple. The dynamic is there, but what you lack is a pair of balls to say or do anything.
"Hot cider." Shawn says, handing you your brown paper cup and sitting down on the hay bale opposite you. "Fresh too."
"Thanks." You smile as you sip the warm spicy sweet liquid.
Shawn stares out at the corral nearby, eyes catching and sparkling in the late afternoon sun. He's gorgeous. Everything about him makes your heart soar. From his soft eyes to his slightly rough hands curled delicately around his paper cup, he is truly the only person you've cared so deeply for.
"Can I ask you something?" You say softly, barely realizing you've spoken. Too late to take it back now.
"Why haven't we ever gone out?"
He chuckles, a wide smile spreading across his face like wildfire. "Haven't we though?"
"Can I tell you something?"
You lean forward, setting your cup beside your folded legs on the hay bale. "Of course, anything."
"This was supposed to be a date." He bites his lip and looks down, thumb circling the spout of his lid. "I was going to ask you out, like, for real."
"Yeah." He laughs, looking up, anywhere but at you. "I chickened out though. I didn't ask you, I just sort of handed you the tickets and said let's go. Which in retrospect was fine, but it's definitely not what I had planned on doing."
"You wanted to take me on a date?"
"You...you want to be more than friends?"
Shawn rubs the back of his neck. "Shit, I guess? It's weird. You make me happier than literally anyone I've ever dated. You get my jokes and you sass me right back when I get smart with you. You're really beautiful and sexy in this crazy everyday way without even trying. And you're so smart and- how could I not want to date you? I've literally been so stupid for my entire life because I-"
You lean across the hay bale and press your lips to his. It's a moment you've been waiting for since you were thirteen years old and first realized you had feelings for him. You didn't expect to be the one initiating the kiss but here you are and there Shawn is. You pull back and Shawn just gawks at you.
"That was...you...you taste like apple cider."
You giggle. "You do too, dork."
"Can we do it again?" He asks, putting his cup aside and leaning toward you. "I think I need another taste."
Shawn cups your cheeks and brings you in, kissing you lovingly like this is his way of making up for the last twelve years of your lives. He tugs you forward gently and you crawl over onto his lap, straddling his thighs as you grip his hair. It's been forever since he's had a haircut and it's a bit long, soft as can be, curly and absolutely grabable.
"Hey," he mutters, pulling back just enough to break the kiss. He bumps his nose to yours and you open your eyes to see his beautiful green and gold flecked hazel ones staring back at you. "Do you wanna go out with me?"
You smile and nudge his nose with yours once more. "I thought you'd never ask."
Please Reblog if you read, enjoyed, or just want to save for later!
Thank you so much for reading this piece!  - A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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k00244454 ¡ 4 years ago
Idea development sketchbook part one: progress reviews
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Photos from my idea development sketchbook.
Picture1:The first picture shows my initial mind map on what I thought of biophilia, I then explored the idea of being physically connected to nature through collage with the sentence ‘by the root’ in my head. 
Picture 2: From there I played with the idea of morphing my room and nature together which then inspired me to look at the artist Sandy Skoglund (see research sketchbook post for more). 
Picture 3: I then proceeded to look at the hens we keep at home and more specifically their eggs, which I chose to paint in an effort to highlight the commercial value placed on them which reminded me of an artificial way in which humans interact with nature. 
Picture 4: Depicts my documenting of how I removed the white and yolk of the egg before painting it.
Picture 5: I studied the seaweed and recorded its shape and texture through shading, I also attempted to capture this by using the latex (in the top left of second page) however it just crumpled up and didn't work as I’d hoped it to. I also included some pictures I had taken of seaweed at my local beach. 
Pictures 6: Contains some pictures I had taken of one of the pieces I made in the fabric draping workshop, I tried to drape part of the piece in a way in which it reminded me of the waves at the beach I also sketched the details from the piece and I made a brief sketch of an idea this workshop gave me.
Picture 7: Some more pictures I took of seaweed and a piece of denim I cut out and embroidered with white French knots to replicate the sample of seaweed above and to clearly show its bumpy texture. I also used a fan brush to explore different ways to paint waves.
Picture 8: Shows my new and updated mind map.
Picture 9: Has a photo I took of my friend jumping off our local pier which documents  him emerging from the water just after the cold has hits his nervous system and the gasp that followed from this, I then decided to draw his face and next week I’m going to use the newsprint blocks to record his reaction to the cold.
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nowscience-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Cuttlefish have three hearts, green-blue blood and horizontal vision that allows them to see behind them
Cuttlefish have not one, not two, but three hearts! Two hearts are used to pump blood to the cuttlefish's large gills, and the third heart is used to circulate oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. Speaking of cuttlefish blood, even that's interesting. According to New World Encyclopedia, "The blood of a cuttlefish is an unusual shade of green-blue because it uses the copper-containing protein hemocyanin to carry oxygen instead of the red iron-containing protein hemoglobin that is found in mammals."
In an effort to hide from predators, cuttlefish can mimic the shape and texture of objects around them. Their close relative, the octopus, is also able to do this. Cuttlefish accomplish this texture change by extending or retracting tiny bumps called papillae located across their bodies, and thus better match sand, bumpy rocks or other surfaces where they're hiding.
Cuttlefish males disguise themselves as females to get past competing males to mate with a female. According to Mental Floss, to woo a female without attracting competing males, "wily male cuttlefish employ some tricky gender-bending camouflage. With one half of their body they put on a colorful display for the female's benefit. With the other half, they disguise themselves as another female, mimicking the muted tones of the female they're courting so as not to attract the attention of nearby males." But that's not all they'll do. If a male isn't as big and tough as other males vying to mate with a female, then he'll rely on cunning and stealth instead. A male will mute his colors, position his body to look like a female carrying eggs, and use this disguise to sneak past competing males for his opportunity with the female.
Cuttlefish have truly impressive vision, including the ability to see what's behind them — completely. According to PBS, "It can see well in low light and can also detect polarized light, enhancing its perception of contrast. While we humans reshape our lenses in order to focus on specific objects, the cuttlefish moves its lenses by reshaping its entire eye. Also, the cuttlefish's eyes are very large in proportion to its body and may increase image magnification upon the retina, while the distinct 'W'-shaped pupil helps control the intensity of light entering the eye.”
Cuttlefish count better than most human babies. A study out of the Royal Society found that 1-month-old cuttlefish could easily tell the difference between a box with four shrimp and a box with five shrimp. By contrast, 1-year-old human babies can only determine a difference between piles of one and two and piles of two and three, but no higher than that. When the boxes contained more shrimp, the cuttlefish took longer to decide which box to eat from, and researchers took this as a sign that the cuttlefish were physically counting the number of shrimp before making their decisions.
Cuttlefish are perhaps best known for their ability to almost instantly change color to match their surroundings, even as they swim through different colors of coral or rocks. What's more, is the coloration doesn't have to be static. They can change color in rapid patterns that make it look like ripples of color are rolling over their bodies. The mesmerizing "light show" effect is a strategy that can help cuttlefish catch prey. This detailed color-changing ability is even more impressive when you consider that cuttlefish are colorblind!
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aestheticvoyage2019 ¡ 5 years ago
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Day 278: Saturday October 5, 2019 - “The Hike”
“Hope you have a good map” - considering the screenshots I had on my phone, i replied confidently to the ranger “yes sir” - permit in hand I set out down the rocky rough violent Hole In The Rock Road that took me down along the Grand Staircase to the far off trailhead.  Reflection Canyon was on.  All I had to do now was find it across a desert landscape that looked more like Mars than Utah.   Id need that good map for sure - more so than any other hike Ive ever done, I would have to read and follow the distinct lines, especially in the final two miles across the slick rock, with no real trail except the occasional easter-egg-rock-cairn, confirming that you were on the right track. I had a good plan though - hug the cliffs, cross 3 washes, and at the squared off cliff turn Southeast towards the lake.  For this fairly experienced backpacker, this hike was another level. I was happy to be out there gaining the experience and feeling that little extra adrenaline of knowing Id have to be focused and smart to not get lost or die out here a long long long way from civilization.  If I had a problem - Id be on my own.  So I double packed water and food, took a shot of whiskey for my nerves, said my Self Made Laws quote, and popped off under the weight of that full pack that I love so much.  Spirits were real good despite the fact that one hike sock was left in Tucson, and having forgotten my boots in the car parked at the airport, I was launching out in the called-from-retirement “old opossums” - they were thought to be dead, but I found some extra life in them, despite the right one not being able to lace up fully (’that must have been why I retired these’).  Running this pathfinder in my original hiking boots added a little extra flare to the adventure.   Climbed up into the rocks, working out the stiff muscles under the heavy pack, until everything got into the right gear.  3pm - took a long time to just get here, once onto a little footpath where I found other footsteps, I was in a groove, easily telling the difference between dirt that hadnt been walked on in a hundred years, and path through the bushes that made sense to more than a few people.   The first five miles were easy under the cool 70 degree weather and the afternoon canyon shade from the red rock peaks up above.  On the horizon was nothing but bumpy sandstone terrain of canyon country.   Somewhere over there was the Colorado River and all the channels of the different washes that the Ranger instructed me, strictly, to stay out of.  (Read: 127 Hours).  Above me was a perfect bluebird sky.  In fact all weekend I would never see one single cloud and out here in God’s Red Country, the blue seemed deeper and richer contrasting the everywhere you looked.   Made for some tricky photos always being in the shade but I stole a few that I was proud of...all the while anxiously waiting to photograph that pot of gold I was after, Reflection Canyon.
With 2 miles to go, hikers turn and cross the slickrock - a mine field for getting lost in the terrain. I applied my research and my good map off AllTrails and read it perfectly and slowly - 100 yards at a time, racing the loss of light by now.  On the horizon to the east all the peaks were burning now in the butter light, which out here, is a deep deep red, more than yellow and orange.   I picked up my pace....because I couldnt wait to get to the end, but also didnt want to get lost and not be able to find my overlook in the dark!  Every time I came over a hump or around a bend I wondered if Itd just pop out and then BAM - it idid.  There it was.  Reflection Canyon.  Snapped that first shot under the pink dusky sky. Beautiful.   Looked down and immediately picked the place where I wanted to put my tent.  Stood and breathed it in for several minutes - relieving my back from the heavy pack before getting started making my camp right at the front step of this long considered spot.
That was a great hike - very enjoyable - good views, fun pathfinding and focusing - a hike you had to really participate in fully, with a great pot of gold at the end to think about the whole way.  Great way to spend a Saturday.
Reflection Canyon was made famous a bit by a Nat Geo photographer and article about Glen Canyon back in 2006. Apple also used it as a screensaver for its new Retina display in 2012....but for me - I found it when it was the shot on the National Parks Pass in 2017.  Where the heck is this place?!  I was pretty disheartened when I saw it was not an easily accessed adventure....oh, boy, this is going to take a real investment of time to get to some day....   well that day, was this one.  I was here.   If you ever meet a person that has photographed Reflection Canyon, which I assume is a pretty small number, you’ll know they had to really go for it!   Probably not often a weekend adventure for most - but I grinned to myself on that overlook that Id brought the idea to life and stood here in front of it to see it my own eyes; the best way to know a place.  Another far off place on the map locked into my own personal archive.  I can  now see and remember the place in 3D.  The smells, the geography, the light, the silence, the pathfinding, the rough road, the red rocks AND  - I know why its called Reflection Canyon now.....
I set up my tent on a little shelf that ran right up to the view.  Took some work to get down there, but I slid my pack off and my gatorade came out of the side pocket and proceeded to roll right off the cliff!   Oh shit!  I guess its not as flat as it looked.  The rest of my time out there I was haunted by the prospect of losing one of my opossums over the edge, envisioning myself having to trek out barefoot across the desert!  Glad all I lost was  a gatorade because then I was on high alert to not lose anything else - especially my own ass. Clipped in my car keys, and laid my backpack up above in a safe spot.  Even put my permit inside in case I myself was lost to the lake.  Laid my tent down and from inside I could sit and look out on the grandness of the scene.  So beautiful as the light went out of the sky, the half moon came out, and the stars all shown bright (even with the moonlight, I could make out the milky way, the sky was so dark!).   And there, as I ate my dinner of bachelor spaghetti, with my feet out to the edge, I saw it - down in the dark water.  The sparkling water was reflecting the stars in the sky.  Amazing.  Once I noticed it, it just got brighter and brigther as the moon disappeared behind the cliffs. I caught it when a jet went over high above and I saw its blinking lights.   Thats awesome!   Smoked a weekend cigar - Gran Habano Corojo #5 and appreciated my luck to get here - It took about 27 hours from 5th street to this perfect camp spot and replayed every bit of it in my mind.  Thats worth a sense of accomplishment.   I crawled into bed and just laid looking up at the stars for what felt like hours, and then suddenly my alarm was going off..545am.  I was ready for the big show, the main event - Sunrise.  Thats what Id done all this work for.  Unzip, stretch, start the coffee.  Lets have another great day!
Song: Eddie Vedder - End of The Road
Quote:  “A venturesome minority will always be eager to set off on their own, and no obstacles should be placed in their path; let them take risks, for godsake, let them get lost, sunburnt, stranded, drowned, eaten by bears, buried alive under avalanches - that is the right and privilege of any free American.” ― Edward Abbey
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miraclejune ¡ 6 years ago
HERO’S SOUP: Chapter 10 (Special)
-Woojin’s Daily Life
Waking up to muffled screams and laughter was an everyday routine for Woojin, more like it was his alarm clock. The same scene every day, although different members change ‘roles’. Will he ever get tired of Jisung screaming while running around the house, Seungmin experimenting on Hyunjin just for the hell of it, Minho admiring himself non-stop in front of the whole-body mirror, Changbin and Felix singing loudly and out-of-tune while dancing like idiots? No. Not really. He would actually be worried if he woke up with the whole mansion being quiet as a mouse. That’s when he can tell something is wrong.
Woojin would sit up from his bed, staring blankly at the door, breaking into a smile as he heard Jisung singing on top of his lungs. Pushing himself out of bed, he would stretch his asleep muscles, fixing his clothes right after.
The wolves would simmer down a bit, sensing the alpha was awake. But eventually they would go back to their rowdy selves. With quiet steps, Woojin descends from his room, walking straight to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. He would gulp down the whole bottle before crushing the container and recycling it.
“Where’s Felix?” Woojin looked around the living room, sensing the missing fox. “He went out for a while,” Seungmin replied, not batting an eye at the alpha. Woojin was used to Seungmin by now, he was a bit ill-tempered, but he knows the witch doesn’t mean any harm, plus he has a soft spot for Jeongin. “Any reason at all?” He sat beside Hyunjin, putting a hand on his beta’s thigh. “He said he needed inspiration for writing lyrics.” Seungmin continued, shrugging his shoulders, closing his eyes to practice a spell. Hyunjin leans on Woojin’s shoulder, cuddling the alpha. Woojin smiles, Hyunjin was always so warm it made him feel at home.
“Why are you guys still here? Don’t you have to work?” Woojin turns his head towards the small whiteboard on the wall near the kitchen, reading clearly the schedules of every member of the house. “Jisung? Changbin?”
Jisung and Changbin whose eyes are glued to the tv screen, aggressive button smashing on the controllers on their hands, paused the game. Both looking at the alpha. “We finished up everything yesterday to free up some time today.” Jisung nods, agreeing to what Changbin said. Woojin cocks an eyebrow at them. Jisung speaks up, not needing a word from the alpha. “It’s been a tiring week, and Changbin’s gonna go find a place for his shop.”
Woojin nods, running a hand through his soft locks. Feeling two pairs of eyes on his face, Woojin turns his head, nodding his head at the two wolves. They were waiting for his approval so they could go back on the game they’re clearly losing. Cute. He smiles softly, putting an arm around Hyunjin who was now stuck to his side like a koala. “How ‘bout my Jinnie~ do you have work today?” feeling the wolf shake his head, Woojin hums. “I checked your schedule last night, looks like you’re free today too.” again he felt Hyunjin shake his head, but now up and down.
He chuckles deeply, eyes finding Seungmin, the witch who has been transformed. Hair ash white and eyes are a deep shade of violet. “My only class is at 3pm, I’ll be home by 10pm. Don’t wait for me please.” but Woojin ignored his request. He would always wait for Seungmin to come home, on the first night the witch threw a hex at him, he dodged it but the sofa was turned into a rabbit (which they now keep). Seungmin was startled, of course, he got home at around 3am because of council work, dead tired entering the house and seeing a whole ass man magically appearing in front of him (he just didn’t notice the alpha because he was exhausted as hell). Who wouldn’t be shocked?
“Okay.” Seungmin knew his last words were given dirt by Woojin, so he went back to his summoning.
After spending time with the boys in the living room, he would walk to the kitchen and start cooking breakfast for the hungry kids. He wasn’t the best cook; they usually order takeout if they’re lazy but Woojin still tries his best to give the boys a not-so-healthy but full-of-love meal. “Boys, breakfast.” In a blink of an eye, the remaining people in the house gather around the dining table. The bickering never stops. “Where’s Chan?” Hyunjin asks before shoving a spoonful of scrambled eggs down his throat. “He left at around 4am.” Woojin recalls being jerked out of his slumber as he feels Chan’s presence vanishing. The vampire materializes in front of him, “Germany.” and with that Chan was gone.
“I really don’t know how you understand that old dude.” Changbin stated. Jisung who was looking at Changbin beside him nods before locking eyes with the alpha. “Chan is so vague.” Woojin grins. “You guys know Chan, he’s like that.”
“Wait, what does he mean by Germany?” Seungmin, who was itching to ask about it finally spoke. “He went to Germany to buy some antiques for his shop.” Minho replied. Seungmin was overwhelmed by how much the non-human beings around him knew the vampire. Even more than him. “He’ll be back tomorrow.” Woojin reassures them.
After breakfast, he would leave the dishes to Minho and Jisung. Usually Changbin does the dishes but something came up and he had to meet the real estate manager early. Jisung will catch up once he’s done. “I’ll be leaving for the cafe.” with half-assed goodbyes, Woojin drives out of the garage into the bumpy road. He turns on the radio, humming unconsciously along with whatever song comes up.
“Good Morning.” He greets the staff with his usual toothy smile, turning his head towards the customers and giving them a smile. “Good Morning to you guys also.” Johnny walks up to the boss, putting a hand around his shoulder as he teases him. “Boss is so handsome kya~” Woojin giggles, shoving the taller one away from him. “Idiot.”
“Where’s Jungwoo?” Woojin walks around the counter, checking the machines and pastries along the way. “He’s in the back, fetching some whipped cream.” Woojin opened the cabinet for all the whipped cream cans, it was empty. He then proceeds to the computer they use for stocks and sales. “I already ordered what we need, boss.”
“Wasn’t gonna ask that because I already know you did.” Johnny grins at Woojin’s words, he turns to his heel and disappears inside the kitchen. Woojin proceeds to stand beside Jaehyun who was minding the counter, after handing the customer the buzzer (used for when the order is done) he turns to the boss. “Hey.”
“You alright?” Jaehyun smiles sadly, he knows he can’t hide anything from Woojin. With a sigh, he crosses his arms, looking at Woojin through his lashes. “My mom wants me to go back to the States,” the bell chimes as a customer walks out into the busy street. Jaehyun relaxes upon seeing Woojin’s reassuring smile. “She said she found a job for me there; the benefits were great, and they would provide my housing-”
“Then why are you hesitating?”
“I’m not. I just don’t want to go back.” Woojin felt Jaehyun’s searing stare in his own eyes. The guy was telling the truth. Woojin puts a hand on Jaehyun’s shoulder, “Whatever you want to do. I will support you, okay?”
Woojin genuinely does. He supported Jaehyun ever since they met. The trainee life weighed on him too much, but Woojin was always there to cheer him up, to keep him going. Even Johnny was thankful for the alpha, even though none of the staff knew about his real identity.
“I know you will. Thanks, man.”
“Johnny, tell the boys I left early. I ordered some pizza so be sure to give them their share!” pulling on his trench coat, Woojin bid his last goodbye before circling his car. Opening the door to the driver's seat, one particular person standing in the corner caught his eye. His long stature leaning against the wall, soft light brown locks falling perfectly right above his eyes. Those dark orbs snapped at Woojin’s direction making contact with the alpha’s. With a smirk, he threw his cigarette on the pavement, crushing it with his black dress shoes. At this moment, Woojin noticed the guy’s overall look.
His face was perfectly framed by the black turtleneck underneath his black overcoat. His skinny-fit black jeans look like they’re about to burst because of his muscular thighs. 
The air around them became suffocating, you can feel the extreme aura radiating from both men. Their eyes are not blinking at all. Woojin turns, body fully facing the man. With simultaneous steps they fell into each other’s arms, laughing almost maniacally. “Where the fuck have you been, you dumbass!” Woojin pulls away, locking his arm around Yuta’s neck, caging him in his armpit. With his extra hand, he roughly ruffles the man’s hair, both laughing in glee.
“Hey! Come on man! I spent an hour fixing my hair.” Yuta struggles on pulling Woojin’s muscular arm around his neck, he wasn’t suffocating at all, but seeing the blatant stares coming from strangers walking by, plus the customers coming in and out of the cafe, he had, by all means, to be embarrassed. However, knowing Woojin, he can never win against the man. Woojin was obviously ten-fold stronger than him. “Woojin, you do know I’m older than you.”
“The elder acknowledged me first.” with a smug look on his face, Woojin lets go of Yuta. “Really? You’re still bringing that up? Fuck you.” keys jingling in the air, out of reflex, Yuta caught it right in time. The frown on his face grew much darker. “You drive. Let’s go back to the mansion. You disappeared suddenly last week; the boys were worried.” Yuta snickered, puffing out air from his cheeks as he eyes Woojin walking towards the shotgun seat.
“Why are you like this?” the car door shut twice, both pulling on their seatbelts securely. With a chuckle, Woojin shifted comfortably on his seat as Yuta pulled out the driveway. “What do you mean?”
Sneering, Yuta slowly puts pressure on the brake with his foot, yanking the e-brake as the car stops. He glanced at the rear-view mirror, fixing his hair before turning to Woojin. The glare from the stoplight shining on both their faces. “You’re always bringing that up in every conversation we have.” Woojin only chuckled. “You’re really different.” Yuta releases the e-brake, drawing his eyes back on the road. He could feel Woojin’s curious gaze on his side profile. “You’re still the same idiot as before. But somehow, you’ve changed.”
“The boy who used to be so arrogant and mean, using his father’s position as leverage to look down on the other cubs and wolves. Carelessly causing trouble for the elderly just for the heck of it. Never relying on friends, because he says they’re all the same, they would all just leave him once they benefit from him. Only befriending him because he was the leader’s son.”
Woojin looked out the window, as much as he wanted to ignore the words Yuta was saying. He just couldn’t help but look back at his past. He was really quite an asshole back then. He only brought trouble for his family, not that they don’t mind. They were disappointed in him but had no other choice but to let every bad deed he did go through. He was the only heir, the only son. It was the only way for him not to rebel and completely run off from the pack. “Even after your whole pack got attacked,” Yuta was a distant relative, his family descended from Japan and they still reside there. Woojin sighed heavily, the blaring horns coming from cars behind him were all muffled by Yuta’s words.
“You still remained the same. Father and mother really thought that incident would change you,” Yuta parked the car in front of the mansion, turning off the engine as he glanced at Woojin. “But decades later, after we met in Japan. You changed drastically.” turning his head, Woojin’s eyes met Yuta’s. They stared at each other, as if they were trying to find answers in each other’s eyes. “What changed you? Who changed you? Hyunjin?” Yuta was partly true, Hyunjin did change him. Being the alpha, he had to protect Hyunjin, even if he wasn’t the beta.
But it wasn’t just Hyunjin.
Yuta knew. He knew right from the start who it was. “Woojin! You’re back early! Oh, is that Yuta?”
“Can you not shout for just one second, Jisung.”
“Well sorry. Minho. I’m not a cold ass bitch like you.”
“Yuta? Yuta’s back!”
“Dum dum, he was just here a week ago.”
“Changbin, I hate you.”
“I hate myself too, Hwang.”
“Where’s Seungmin and Felix?”
“They went to fetch Jeongin from school.”
“Oh! Jeongin’s coming over!! Yay!”
With one last fleeting smile, Woojin turned his back on Yuta. Walking briskly towards his family.
Yuta smiled in defeat, shoving his hands inside his pockets. Mumbling underneath the wind, “It wasn’t just one person.”
—Changbin and Jisung’s Daily Life (⅔ of that spicy sauce)
“Jisung, wake up. We need to go.”
“Five more minutes, Binnie.” sighing heavily Changbin sat on the edge of the bed. Five minutes ago, he was in Jisung’s current position. Sleeping soundly and not wanting to be bothered in his room, but apparently the alarm went off and he had responsibilities. Jisung groans, moving his lifeless body onto Changbin’s lap. With light and soft strokes, Changbin’s hand runs through Jisung’s fluffy locks. Out of all the boys, Jisung has the softest and fluffiest hair. Minho would come in second. He glances down at Jisung fondly, it’s been a while since the incident happened. Although Jisung seemed to be back to his normal state, Changbin can’t help but worry. Jisung is his best friend, they were both found and aided by Woojin and Hyunjin from different circumstances but both of them were scarred heavily, physically and mentally.
Ever since then, they were inseparable. And to add the fact that they both enjoy music; it made their fondness for each other grow deeper. It made them understand and express each other much clearer than before.
As much as he wants to lie back down on his own bed, or better yet cuddle with Jisung. Like he said, Changbin had responsibilities, and Jisung was part of it. The songs won’t write, compose and produce themselves. Changbin always thought of asking Seungmin if he had any spells that would work that way, but he was too afraid to ask. And Chan would probably tell him it was just a lame excuse to slack off and not do any actual work. “Ji. We have to work.” It took him 10 minutes to push Jisung out of his bed, dragging the wolf towards the bathroom to wash up.
Entering the living room, he was welcomed by Woojin who seemed surprised enough not to see them in their usual state. “We got home by 5am, I’m tired but otherwise okay. Ji had it rough yesterday. The artists won’t cooperate well and demand a lot of changes,” he sat down on the dining table, ushering a brief ‘thank you’ to Hyunjin who handed him a plateful. “You know Ji has a bad temper, and that shit stresses him the fuck out. I offered to help since I’m only handling the computer. But-“
“Knowing that dumbass, he wanted to do his task on his own.” Seungmin appeared beside him, pulling a chair on his side. Changbin handed him a glass of juice. “Thanks.” he nodded at the witch before proceeding to eat. Jisung comes down from his room after a while. Changbin waited for him to finish his meal and then they left in haste.
“Please tell me we’re not working with the same people as yesterday?” Jisung whined, taking a sip on his iced coffee as they sped across the city. The car came to a halt, Changbin glanced at the stoplight before turning to Jisung. “It’s just until today, Ji. Please just bear with it.” With his big eyes, Jisung stared at Changbin’s side profile as the man started driving again. Changbin didn’t say he hated it. But he knew for sure that the wolf was just as annoyed as him.
Changbin never really showed he was struggling. He never once complained even though he was having a hard time, he just stood there smiling. Even comforting the people who had it way better than him. Changbin may look dark and mysterious, but he’s a big softie. He always looked unapproachable and cold, but he’s actually the opposite. He always says he likes ‘dark’ but that’s only his preference in music.
Changbin cares and loves each and every one of the members equally. No questions asked.
“We finish it up early today, then we can go get some pasta. How about that?”
“Are you gonna pay?”
“Even if I say you pay or we split the bill, I always end up paying.”
“Because you’re older.”
“Only on our human birth certificates.”
“You love me.”
“No.” Changbin closes the car door, even though Jisung can be an annoying bitch, he still stops in front of their building, waiting for the younger one to come out. Joining him, they enter the place. Greeting the guard as they clamor in the lift. “Are they there already?” Changbin fished out his phone. “Nah, their manager said they’d be here around lunch.” Jisung heaves a sigh of relief, they had plenty of time to work on some stuff without someone yelling at their ears, feeling like they know everything about producing. Noticing a much larger hand grasp his own, Jisung looks up, his frown turning into a cheeky smile as he sees Changbin’s worried face. “I’m okay, Binnie. It’s just until today, like you said.” Changbin nods, knowing Jisung was telling the truth so he wouldn’t worry much.
Upon entering the studio, they get to work almost instantly. No words were exchanged as they set-up the equipment, making sure everything works perfectly. As Jisung and Changbin sat down in front of the computer, they turned into working mode. There was no fun and friendly aura between them. They conversed and acted professionally. “Come in.” twirling a pen in his hand, Jisung responded to the soft knock on their door. Both boys are not batting an eye on the clients. Jisung stands up and ushers them in, he didn’t have much of a choice either.
Changbin silently observed how Jisung’s face contorted into a somewhat casual smile. He almost scoffed because Jisung doesn’t know how to do that. The wolf was annoyed. Changbin could hear his thoughts and none of them were positive. As the clients settled in, they began demanding some changes again. Asking Jisung if this or that was possible. And Jisung responded with much gusto. Changbin grinned. No matter how rude and arrogant the people they work with are, Jisung really loves music. When he starts talking about music-related stuff, you can’t help but stop and stare in awe. ‘He’s a genius.’ Chan once said. And he was right. Jisung is an amazing person. His past may be dark and cruel but that never affected his passion for music. Not even one bit.
As their eyes found each other, both boys broke into a small smile. Turning back to what they have been doing, Changbin rearranging pieces on the computer and Jisung hearing out the concerns of the artists.
“Let’s make music!”
—Minho and Felix’s Daily Life (Dance idiots, I mean, prodigies)
“Lix, are you coming with me tonight?”
“Yeah. I kinda miss it.”
“Sure. Let’s get ready then.”
Dusk fell upon the mansion. The orange gradient looked like a painting as Felix stared outside, waiting for Minho to pull up beside him. “Get in you idiot.” Felix pouted. Minho always ruined the mood. “You’re such a bitch.” he ranted, as he slid in the shotgun seat, Minho flashes him a smirk. “Thanks, I know. Now put on your seatbelt.” he did what he was told. Minho might come out as bossy (well he is), but he just lowkey cares for his friends’ safety. “Aren’t we a bit too early?”
Felix glances at Minho, ah. This man’s side profile will always be so fucking amazing. “Let’s stop by Changbin and Jisung’s building. They might have a vacant dance room we can use for rehearsal.” Felix smiled, responding with a deep ‘yeah’.
Minho is just usually at home or hanging out with the boys at their workplaces. Busking was just some sort of a hobby for him, he wanted to try it and he did. He then got hooked by the feeling of performing in front of others. Sure, scouts came up here and there, but he was just content with what he was doing. Being an idol is on a whole different level. He lowkey hates it because he might not have enough time to spend with his new family, and when he says ‘spending time’ it means he just teases and annoys every member on a daily basis. Especially Jisung. They’re always seen sticking to each other like glue at the mansion. Jisung was always fun to tease according to Minho. The wolf gets mad, and when Jisung gets annoyed, he looks so adorable. Making Minho tease him more.
Felix on the other hand was getting busy. Like now, he gets invited by Minho to go busking. They were originally partners in crime. Felix moved to Seoul with Chan a bit earlier than Minho. They met the same day as Minho came from Japan with Chan. And they just decided to get an apartment somewhere in Seoul and live together. The only past time they had was visiting Chan at the shop and well, busking. But after moving in with the rest of the pack, Felix has gotten busier. He mostly works with Jisung and Changbin at the studio. Offering all the help he can. Writing songs and sometimes producing music. The two wolves helped him a lot and he was forever grateful for everyone in the mansion for treating him like family.
Arriving safely at the building, Minho proceeds on hitting the button to Changbin and Jisung’s studio. Drawing back his hand inside his pocket as he stares at their reflection on the elevator door. “You alright, Lix?” Felix nods, profusely wiping the sweat pooling on his palms. “I’m just giddy because it's been a while since I last performed with you.” Minho chuckles, putting an arm around Felix’s broad shoulders. He pulls the fox closer to him, tickling his sides. “Me too.”
They both got off their floor, sauntering towards the door to the studio. As they opened it, they were both welcomed by Changbin and Jisung sitting in front of the computer. Jisung whips his head back, and smiles. He stands up, placing a hand on Changbin’s shoulder. The wolf looks up at Jisung and then looks back at the two additional people. “Let’s take 5, okay?” holding up an okay sign with his free hand, Jisung opened the door to the recording booth. Ushering the artist to the sofa on the left side of the studio, along with their managers and staff. “What brings you guys here?” Felix and Minho sat on the small love couch beside the computer, almost instantly clinging onto one another. The artist who was just recording a few moments ago can’t help but stare at the additional eye candy. Changbin and Jisung were already overwhelmingly attractive. but the two flower boys had rendered her speechless, even the female staff that was with her. Jisung notices the meaningful gaze at their position, he lets out a soft chuckle. Sending the girls into a frenzy. “Do you know any vacant dance rooms?” Minho knows his effect, but Felix was a little bit similar to Hyunjin. He was naïve. “Told ya.” Jisung smiles at Changbin’s remarks. “Yeah, I can call the owner. You boys go ahead and practice. Geez, if you always come and practice here then why don’t you just go and rent the place.” Jisung scratches his head, crossing his arms in disappointment afterwards.
Minho and Felix excitedly spring up from their seats, tackling the two wolves with hugs and kisses. “Alright alright! Now go!” shoving them out the studio, Jisung shouts one last favor before the two vanish into the elevator. “Don’t forget to clean—And they’re gone.”
Changbin giggles, pulling Jisung back to his side. “They clean up, Ji.”
“I know.”
“Lix, your arm is not straight enough.”
“Like this?”
“No no. Here-“ Felix’s tense muscles relax underneath Minho’s touch. He had been nervous and stiff because it has been a while since they last danced together. Minho notices Felix’s awkwardness and decides to take a 10-minute break so the fox could loosen up. “How’s the song you’ve been writing?” Minho smiles as Felix’s expression turns from guilt into excitement. “Oh yeah! I brought it with me! Can you check it out?” he nods and chuckles at Felix who stood up almost instantly, dashing towards his bag on the corner.
Felix always wanted to be a songwriter. And being praised and acknowledged by the music geniuses, naming Changbin, Jisung and Chan, it meant the world to the fox. He was actually really good. His songs were full of meaning and some of them were from his personal experiences. The sole reason why Changbin and Jisung gladly accepted him as part of the production team.
As they talk about the song for a while, Minho stands up and turns on the music. They finished creating the choreography right before the break and it was time to practice it along with the music.
Both of their playful expressions vanish. Focusing on their reflections on the mirrored walls. Their eyes were full of passion and concentration, as the room was filled with a familiar tune. All at once their bodies fell in sync with each other.
Much more like Jisung and Changbin, Music, to them, was like turning back the clock, traveling and returning to a previous life full of agony, joy and sadness. They embraced the music and in turn the music took control. Both found themselves in a different world. A world of mystery. Mysteries they would love to discover.
Their movements flowed with a dazzling grace that took away the breath of every person in their soon-to-be street audience. Both boys could feel their soul become one with the music. Unleashing their emotions into the dance. They needed this as badly as they needed to breathe. The music came to a halt, the room was soon filled with heavy pants from Felix and Minho. “You’re still amazing as ever, Minho.” Felix fell on the floor, Minho followed suit, falling on top of Felix’s sweaty body. Minho chuckled loudly, his voice echoing around the four walls of the room, sending vibrations onto Felix’s figure. “I can say the same thing, Lix.”
“I wish Hyunjin was here.” Minho sits up, pulling Felix. “Yeah, it would be amazing if he performs with us.” They chat for a while before returning to practicing their dance.
—Hyunjin’s Daily Life (Jack of all trades Hyunjin)
One last click of the camera and Hyunjin relaxes on the bar stool. Three people run up to him at the same time, fixing up his makeup and outfit. He smiles at them, making the three of them blush. Gullible idiot. “Hyunjin? How about we take a break so we can proceed to a different setting?” Hyunjin beams at the camera man and the rest of the staff, bowing in the process. “Okay!” The staff guides him towards the dressing room, offering him some drinks and snacks. He declines politely, fetching his phone inside his backpack.
“Your manager is not here?” the make up artists ask. Hyunjin nods and pouts. “He just left me here hmp.” she giggles, moving her hands skillfully unto Hyunjin’s face. The stylist comes in and shows him the next set of clothes. Hyunjin changes into them and walks out of the waiting room, his eyes grew wide at the new set. Tons of flowers decorated the set, and in the center was a king-like chair. “This set is so pretty!'' He can’t help but admire the vivid shades of flowers around the place, and the cameraman asks him to sit on the chair. And once he did, everyone in the studio grew quiet and stared in awe at the King sitting on his throne.
Being the gullible handsome idiot he is, Hyunjin smiles prettily. Reaching out his hand, Hyunjin places one of the flowers in between his fingers, his face cornering in to smell the scent. With eyes closed, his side profile was majestic. And it was definitely the perfect shot. No cues were issued at all, the cameraman proceeds on taking the shots, shaking his head in disbelief on how amazing the model is.
“Thank you for your hard work!” closing the car door, Hyunjin gives the staff who sent him off, one last fleeting glass before Woojin pulls into the highway. “Was the shoot fun?” Hyunjin beams and begins to tell his fun day to Woojin, which the alpha gladly listens to. He always does. Hyunjin has this very puppy-like look on his face when talking about how exciting his day went by, and Woojin was never sick of it. “Do I have another schedule for today?”
Woojin hums in response. “So there is?” Hyunjin breaks into a fit of whine. “I’m tired~” Woojin grins, taking a right turn. “Eh? Where are we going?”
“How about we stretch some muscles?” With a small smile on his face, Woojin pulls up in front of a dance studio, leaving the dumbfounded Hyunjin to process what he just said. “YAY!” with a light chuckle, Woojin pushes the door open. allowing the overly excited Hyunjin to come in. Woojin already booked a room, he knew Hyunjin would be stressed out from work and the wolf had a long day ahead of him. It was his duty as Hyunjin’s manager to take care of the boy.
According to the brands Hyunjin had worked with, he was definitely perfect. With his honey-dripping looks, his long stature, his physique, the boy was beyond perfect. And to add the fact that he was an amazing dancer? The complete package. Seungmin on the other hand had one rude thing to add ‘He was an utter and complete idiot’ no one in the mansion spoke a word after Seungmin said it. Not even Jeongin. Hyunjin is an utter and complete idiot. Not that it was a flaw, weirdly enough it added him a bit of charm. When the ladies think that he doesn’t really notice their looks, they fall harder for the guy.
But it was not all rainbows and bright lights for Hyunjin. Whenever they moved from one country to another, the friends he made on the way made him feel like he only had the looks. Especially when he went to Korea. Scouts were always swarming around him on a daily basis, some of them even came from big companies. He did refuse every single one of the offers, but that was not the case in the first few weeks in Seoul. He had accepted one of the auditions. Hyunjin woke up early and prepared for his audition. He had a dance piece, a song, and a rap prepared.
“He’s so handsome.”
“Companies only look for good faces these days.”
“I bet he doesn’t have any talent.”
“Well, he could only be in a group for the eye candy.”
Those words coming from his fellow auditionees dawned on him. Because their words were true. He did not have any talent at all. He cannot sing or dance or rap. They were right, he was just another pretty face. That’s why he quit even before they got to contract signing.
You would think that he gave up and just let those words bring him down. You would think that he just quit and accepted his fate. But no, Hyunjin wanted to prove them wrong. He wanted to prove to everyone in that audition room that he was not just a visual. He started practicing dancing, he learned rapping on his own but Changbin and Jisung guided him all the way. And now both wolves acknowledged his talent, even saying they would surpass both of them.
Hyunjin may be a big softie, always clinging to his members, always teasing them. But he was as hard-working as the next guy. His heart is pure.
Woojin stares in awe as Hyunjin’s face turns into something mesmerizing as he dances. The sweat glistened down his face and neck, the way his body moves fluidly along the music. He was definitely a sight to see and Woojin can’t help but say…
“You’re amazing, Hyunjin.”
—Seungmin’s Daily Life (Witch photographer with Puppy Visuals)
To be honest, Seungmin’s life before the mansion was plain and boring. He would wake up, get ready for school. And once inside the campus, he had to deal with council work and at the same time his classes.  By the end of the day, his social battery will be more than drained, he will stop by at Chan’s shop. Not that he helps out there, he just sits and nags the vampire all day.
But everything changed when the fire nation attacked, JOKE.
Everything changed when he met Jeongin. His world suddenly grew way larger than before. Seungmin had a hard time adjusting to it, but everyone helped him to do so. He was lowkey in denial at first, but he really was thankful for the pack.
“For the last time, Hwang. I don’t want to move in with you guys.” Seungmin rolls his eyes at Hyunjin. The wolf was all over his face as soon as he entered the mansion, he held the urge to punch the wolf on his gut because he knew he would be the only one in pain. Seungmin snaps his fingers and Hyunjin’s vision goes blurry, and when he regains his sight, the witch is no longer in front of him. Turning to his heel, Hyunjin dashes across the hall, right in time to jump Seungmin.
But he fell on the floor instead, face first. Rubbing his injured nose, Hyunjin whines. Plopping down beside Changbin who cooed the poor wolf. “Yeah, why don’t you want to move in? We have plenty of room here.” Before Jisung can finish his statement, Chan cuts him off.
“It’s no use, Ji. Seungmin’s not the type of person to live with other people. Especially you rowdy bunch.” a unison of ‘Hey’ was said before Woojin entered the living room. His usual smile plastered on his face. “What do you guys mean? Seungmin’s moving here today.”
The room went still and silent. 6 pairs of heads turn towards Woojin’s position. Seungmin snorts, failing to hold back his laughter. A few moments later, he burst into a fit of cackles, slapping his thigh as he let out all his pent-up emotions. “You should see the look on your pathetic faces!” Seungmin found himself trapped in an embrace with different members trying to get a hold of him as he laughed. “You’re such a jerk!” Felix whined, lightly slapping Seungmin’s arm. “I don’t know why I’m friends with you, to be honest.” Chan shakes his head; he was the only one who didn’t jump on Seungmin. Well, Woojin on the other hand was chuckling silently on the side.
“Did you bring your stuff?” Woojin asks. Seungmin nodded, the boys removed themselves from Seungmin, fixing each other’s clothes. All eyes lock onto Seungmin magically producing a miniature briefcase. “What the hell is that?” Minho moved in closer to take a look at the small bag. His teeth protruding from his lips, ‘that’s actually really cute’ Seungmin thought. “It’s my stuff.” with a twirl of his finger, the mini case grew into a regular sized one.
“You may be an asshole, but your magic is amazing.”
“Thank you, giggles.” Seungmin responds proudly, opening the briefcase.
“You’re welco—HOLD UP WHAT THE HELL”
Hyunjin bolts upright from his seat, almost shoving his face near Seungmin’s busy hands. “Is that a trolley—WOOJIN HE’S WRENCHING A WHOLE ASS TROLLEY FROM HIS BRIEFCASE---” Jisung cannot believe his eyes, Hyunjin’s reaction was exactly what he’s feeling right now. How is that even possible? Seungmin laughs, “You dumdum. I'm a witch.”
For the past 2 hours, Seungmin has been pulling out his stuff and equipment from the briefcase. The rest got used to it as time passed by but Hyunjin is still going on about how Seungmin pulls out a cabinet full of books. “Can I fit? Can I? Can I?” pushing Hyunjin’s overly-excited face from his face, Seungmin closes the briefcase right after he pulls out the last spell book. He snaps his fingers and the briefcase vanishes. Leaving Hyunjin pouting. “You can. But you’re just gonna fall into a complete and infinite oblivion, floating around lifelessly as you dwell deep on your inhumane thoughts.”
“Seungmin, stop scaring the poor pup.” Chan warns, rubbing his hand against Hyunjin who threw himself at him. “What a big baby.” Hyunjin made faces at Seungmin but cowered against Chan’s chest when the witch pulled out the briefcase once again. As the witch playfully approaches him, he detaches himself from Chan and starts sprinting out the backyard. Looking back to see if the witch was after him, he trips on his own foot, falling on the grass.
Hyunjin groans and flips himself, his eyes grew wide and face grew paler, Seungmin was just a few inches away from him, a grin etched on the witch’s face. His eyes falter onto the witch’s hand where he sees the briefcase wide open. Normally the inside of it would look like any other box but it was pitch black, almost like a void sucking him in.
The rest of the pack let Seungmin have his fun, but Woojin had to step in once half of Hyunjin’s body disappeared inside the briefcase. With tears in his eyes, Hyunjin wobbled, Changbin supported the disheveled wolf with his weight. He tried hard not to laugh. “You’re such a fucking dick.”
The briefcase disappears once again from Seungmin’s hand as he turns to face the poor wolf. He laughs maniacally and shakes his head. “And you said you’re the beta?”
The rest of the day consisted of Seungmin fixing up his stuff. Woojin had already decorated his room, actually, Changbin stepped in line to manage everything. The last time Woojin helped with the interior design, it looked like a teen’s room going through an emo phase. “We’ll have the basement cleaned up by next week. I contacted Ria and she said she’ll be here by Monday.” Seungmin nods, placing the last piece of shirt neatly on top of his clothing. He closes the cabinet door and walks out the closet with Woojin on his trail. He just agreed with whatever Woojin told him, not that he had a choice. The alpha insisted on doing so.
But before he could close the closet door, some figures pop out of nowhere, dashing inside the closet. “Wow. These are really dandy clothing you got here, Seungs.” Hyunjin carelessly opens one of the cabinets and rummages through Seungmin’s coats and long sleeves. “You even ironed them out before hiding them.”
“I always thought you had an adorable sense of fashion.” Jisung chimes in, pulling his hoodie over his head to wear one of Seungmin’s coats. Changbin, who was busy going through Seungmin’s shoes, turns around and points at Jisung, all the same time laughing at the wolf. “Ji! Haha! You look so small in Seungs coat omg.” Jisung pouts as hastily takes off the coat and throws it at Changbin’s face. “Then how about you try it!”
“I’m too buff for this.” Changbin snickers, proudly rolling up his sleeves and flexing in front of the boys. “Minho and I have been going to the gym,” the idiot mentioned was now standing beside the other idiot. He rolls up his sleeves and does an X symbol with Changbin’s arm. “Yep. You know you have to be fit to attract some ladies.”
“Hey! I have abs!” Felix pulls up his shirt and flexes his abdomen. Jisung felt challenged, so he pulled up his shirt to show his pack. “Me too.”
“My thighs are thick.” Hyunjin adds, placing his foot onto the chair in the center of the closet, flexing his thighs as he makes a handsome face.
Seungmin sighs, turning to Woojin and Chan who were watching the boys with fatherly gazes and smiles. “You deal with this bullshit every day?”
“Hey. You have dealt with it too ever since you met them.” Seungmin sighs once more at Chan’s remarks. The vampire was correct, he does handle this nonsense every day. “But,” gazing back at Woojin, the alpha gives him a toothy smile. “You like it, don’t you?”
He avoids Woojin’s eyes and crosses his arms against his chest. Chan smiles, he has known Seungmin for a long time now. The witch was a bit of a bitch and was always so full of himself. But other than that, he was a caring person. He hates violence. Hates humans being hurt.
He may come out blunt and arrogant, but in reality, Seungmin is a nice person. Once you get to know him. Chan rarely saw the witch smile, like the genuine type of smile. But these days, he could see it more often. Often than normal.
“No, I don’t.” Seungmin turns to his heel, trying his best to hide the smile on his face. ‘I love you idiots.’ Even if it was just a murmur, the rest of the boys knew Seungmin meant well.
“PILE UP ON THE BED!” with Jisung’s annoying voice, Woojin pulls Seungmin, shoving him onto the bed. “NO! I JUST FIXED THE SHEET—OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE! YOU BASTARDS WILL PAY FOR THIS!”
Hyunjin’s distant scream can be heard. “NO! NOT THE BRIEFCASE!”
14 notes ¡ View notes
janinebaechle ¡ 2 years ago
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18-03-22 We did it! We did six months of low budget travelling in Mexico with a baby and a toddler. I am proud and glad we had the courage. To stay real: It was intense, exhausting, scary, crazy, overwhelming, uncomfortable, amazing, wonderful, adventurous—a lot of incredible memories we will probably look back onto for years. I will never forget how you got naked as a protest because the crazy landlord sat on our sofa in our prepaid flat screaming and swearing at us in order to throw us out late in the evening. I will never forget the glowing plankton covering our bodies like shooting stars in the black, warm lagoon water. I will never forget how weak, sick and hungry I was laying in the tent in the jungle. I will never forget the huge markets with all the stunning groceries and textiles. I will never forget how I thought our son is dying in my arms in a country where I don’t speak the language and I don’t know the emergency number (yet). I will never forget when it was so hot and humid that we couldn’t move. I will never forget how angry we always got at each other out of fatigue after exhausting overnight bus rides. I will never forget this incredible, stunning, soft light at dusk and dawn. I will never forget the six-hour drive on a bumpy road with a million potholes into the middle of nowhere along the sea. I will never forget witnessing a huge turtle finish burying her eggs at sunrise and disappearing back into the sea. I will never forget how terrified I was to carry you moaning in pain, while we searched the emergency room on a dark unknown street in the middle of the night with no one around. I will never forget how I was crying in pain running barefoot over the burning hot sand, thinking I can’t make it to the shade anymore. I will never forget the crystal clear, hot water and white powder sand of the Caribbean Sea. We did it. Pink Petals, Laguna de Chacahua, Mexico, March 2022 (hier: Laguna De Chacahua, Oaxaca, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckp9NiYIgUz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
mainsur ¡ 2 years ago
Peruvian apple cactus
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#Peruvian apple cactus skin
#Peruvian apple cactus full
Seedlings can be slowly uncovered and adjusted to increasing sunlight over the weeks. Seeds will germinate in one to three weeks. Cover pot with plastic wrapping to keep humidity high. Otherwise, follow the directions below.Ĭereus peruvianus seeds should be sown just under the surface of a good quality cacti and succulent mix. We now use the Takeaway Tek for germinating most cacti seeds. Care and Cultivation of Cereus peruvianus This species needs cross-pollination to produce fruit, one reason to grow it from seed. It has a texture similar to Dragon Fruit, but with less of the musky/fragrant taste. Fruit splits shortly after ripening to attracts birds and animals to disperse the seeds, which is one factor limiting commercial growing. Large showy flowers are followed (following successful pollination) by red edible fruit. A large species, Cereus peruvianus can grow up to approximately 5 metres tall. Use a pot with good drainage.This genus was among the first in cacti cultivation and are still one of the most commonly grown cacti. Re-potting should be done every other year, or when the plant has outgrown its pot. Susceptible to root rot in damp poorly drained soils. It has no serious pest or disease problems. During the spring and summer months, flowers will enter a dormancy period during winter. It also helps to ensure no obstructions in the plant’s way when growing outside. So, if you grow your hedge cactus inside, place it in a well-lit window where it can receive direct sun. Make sure to first allow the cut surfaces of the stems to harden for several weeks before planting directly into the soil. The Peruvian apple cactus is a desert cactus growing in bright light. Will develop roots after directly planting stem cuttings into the soil. It has spread widely, but its native range is likely the western Caribbean and Venezuela. This monstrose variety has bumpy, knobby stems, unlike the straight, ribbed form of the typical species. monstrosus) (Miller): A branching, columnar cactus with coppery red spines. Take softwood stem cuttings of almost any length. Peruvian Apple Cactus (Cereus repandus f. It prefers average room temperatures between 60☏ – 75☏ / 15.5☌ – 23.8☌ from spring to fall and a cooler 50☏ – 55☏ / 10☌ – 13☌, after this period.įertilize every ten days during the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half. During the winter months, reduce watering. You can allow the topsoil to become slightly dry between each watering. Water thoroughly during the growing season and always keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. It grows well in a well-drained, cactus potting mix. It thrives best in bright sunlight, but is tolerant and do well with light shade during the hot Summer months, indoor it needs bright light, and some direct sun. How to grow and maintain Peruvian Apple Cactus (Cereus repandus): Scientific classification:Ĭommon Names: Peruvian Apple Cactus, Hedge cactus, Queen of the night, Night blooming cereus. The goose-egg-size fruits contain a delicately sweet white pulp with delightfully crunchy black seeds.Ĭereus repandus wood has been used in making furniture and for firewood, and sliced stems have been used as a soap substitute. A single large plant may produce hundreds of fruits every year.įruits and stems of Cereus repandus are edible. Fruit takes about 40-50 days to swell and ripen, so there are often flowers and fruits on the plant at the same time. Once harvested, the ripe fruits must be eaten within twenty-four hours, or they begin to ferment.
#Peruvian apple cactus full
The optimum harvest stage is when the fruits are close to or at full ripeness. Light: It thrives best in bright sunlight, but is tolerant and do well with light shade.
#Peruvian apple cactus how to
Fruits tend to crack during ripening and flesh sweetens as the fruit opens out fully. How to grow and maintain Peruvian Apple Cactus (Cereus repandus).
#Peruvian apple cactus skin
The fruits are globose to elongate up to 4 cm long, thornless usually red with white pulp, but skin color varies from yellow to deep violet-red. This spectacular flower display in late spring sometimes will flower during early fall. The flowers are large and white to 6 inches across borne on an elongated tube, somewhat fragrant, tube short often ridged, stigma often exerted before the flower opens, flowers at night. It often forms a tree-like appearance and the stems are cylindrical, somewhat slender, segmented, grey-green to blue, can reach 10 meters in height and 10 – 20 cm in diameter. Peruvian Apple Cactus (Cereus repandus) is a large, erect, thorny columnar cactus.
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japvnesedenim-blog ¡ 6 years ago
Getting My coffee face mask To Work
Yes, it makes a wonderful Light cleanser likewise. I love the way it tends to make my face experience while in the mornings. A well arranged and neatly composed hub :). I am tempted to test, but I have terrible allergies, it's possible I can do a spot take a look at. Thank you for sharing. Head into a posh spa and you will handle on your own (for any mere $a hundred-$three hundred) to an all-more than body scrub. Or you can shell out nearly $50 on a fancy physique scrub. Why buy when you can make a home made physique scrub out of essential components yourself? All you may need is salt or sugar, overall body oil and a pleasant, warm bath. Many thanks for often providing excellent information and facts. I would love to test the turmeric mask – just pondering if it received’t shade the skin tone to yellow. You should utilize this to streamline signing up for, or signing in towards your Hubpages account. No knowledge is shared with Facebook Except if you engage with this element. (Privateness Policy) You should use honey as a home remedy to brighten your skin complexion in the following methods: Mixing juice of one tomato using a teaspoon of honey can help lessen tan marks, brighten pores and skin complexion and do away with places & blemishes. Twice per week, massage the mix over the face for 5 minutes and go away it to rest for one more quarter-hour ahead of rinsing it off with tap h2o for preferred results. Incorporate 1 tsp honey to on the list of lemon halves. Rich in healthful Body fat and vitamin E, the nutritious avocado might help feed and lubricate withered pores and skin, giving it a supple feel and appear. Wipe out absolutely free radicals that trigger premature aging. Enhance the appearence of aging pores and skin. Lightens and fades age places, acne scars and blemishes. This conical shaped fruit is widely used in the cosmetic market to create pores and skin attractiveness products. As an alternative to using All those chemical laden attractiveness products that even actually incorporate only a little share of strawberry, use mashed strawberries used topically to the skin for By natural means beautiful, soft supple pores and skin. The natural antioxidants present in Honey assist Handle wrinkles and great lines on the face. Making use of honey on face in the shape of the handmade Honey mask may help improve your skin’s elasticity, thus rendering it look youthful and glowing. Provides a natural glow : Amongst the several employs of Honey, applying it to add a contact of natural glow about the face tops the chart. Both you utilize it straight over the face or combine it with milk or yoghurt; the result is going to be- unbelievably glowing skin. There’s anything about coffee! Its a things that Lots of individuals are not able to Are living without, I can, but I realize numerous who absolutely need their crucial dose of cuppa in their existence. Likewise, in natural beauty marketplace, coffee is raved about its splendor Rewards. Scrubs, human body butters, entire body lotions, face creams proclaiming the goodness of coffee have caught our notice and I get coffee-prosperous magnificence things for its wonderful and loaded aroma Despite the fact that I am not a compulsive coffee drinker, I almost never have coffee! For using honey to lighten scars: Blend just one spoon Uncooked honey with 1 spoon coconut oil or olive oil. Use into the affected area, and massage with the tips of one's fingers in a circular motion for one to 2 minutes. Location a warm washcloth in excess of your skin, and let sit until eventually awesome. Repeat daily. Beneficial in Sunburn: Oatmeal has gentle exfoliating and pores and skin-comforting Qualities and it is perfect for removing blackheads from sensitive skin. It's also extremely absorbent and has pure minerals that work to brighten your skin. Winter season temperature isn’t type to pores and skin. Snow and hail lash into sensitive cheeks and foreheads, chilly winds chafe at us, and indoor heating systems depart us flaky, dry, and itchy. While the remainder of our bodies keep safeguarded (if relatively neglected) by garments over the cold months, our faces bear the brunt of everything unpleasant weather Each and every and each day.
strawberry face mask for Dummies
Yogurt and honey have antibiotic Qualities, and this whole Mix is pretty much as good in your outsides as it really is within a drink. Use any leftovers inside a slurp-equipped smoothie with the milk of the preference. Because from https://lv.wordpress.com/tag/face-mask/ , a wonderful face is when compared and considered with ‘complete moon’. With all the passage of time and use of heavy splendor items, our pores and skin is loosing its glaze and youthful shine. You should utilize this to streamline signing up for, or signing in to the Hubpages account. No facts is shared with Facebook Until you engage using this type of aspect. (Privateness Policy) Whilst most of us give skin care and hair care their due relevance, we frequently fail to remember to deal with our lips. This incredibly delicate part of the bo... This home made face mask is ideal to exfoliate and detoxify the skin. You'll have coffee beans, the identical quantity of cocoa powder, and 7 tablespoons simple yogurt. Skin Treatment is significant to each of us and plays an essential role within our grooming method. Amazon India delivers you a significant number of products that are designed to meet your skin care needs. You are able to search by way of our choice to find the merchandise of the alternative by utilizing helpful research parameters for instance manufacturers, seller, price tag, availability and typical consumer opinions. This is certainly accustomed to discover unique browsers or units once the accessibility the provider, and is particularly utilized for security explanations. Coffee is definitely an antioxidant and also promotes circulation. It fights skin hurt a result of the Solar’s harsh ultraviolet (UV) rays too. I use a raw honey mask numerous periods each week (occasionally each day), and I’ve recognized a definite enhancement in the tone and softness of my skin. I like it all the more for The point that it’s absolutely edible and doesn’t expose my pores and skin to the chemical compounds found in most elegance merchandise. Want to turn each day into a superior skin working day? Need to know tips on how to hold your skin youthful, new, and glowing 24/7? Every single individual hopes to feel and look their finest always. Our self-confidence is instantly proportionate to the way we truly feel about ourselves. Deriving the most beneficial outside of by yourself is on the other hand a endeavor that could be considerably assisted with the usage of smart products. . Any greater than that and you’ll be dripping honey everywhere! I had a problem with dripping at the outset, but as soon as I Slice back again on the quantity of honey I applied, the challenge fixed by itself. Let alone that it’s a bit more economical this way, far too! If you need to immediately dispose of acne, it can be perfect for this mask: clear grapefruit and grind it right into a blender or grinder to your regularity of porridge; Chilly weather can aggravate rosacea, leaving faces reddened and blotchy, and sometimes bumpy also. The apple cider vinegar helps to stabilize the pH of the skin, even though the oatmeal lessens discomfort and the opposite elements soothe and moisturize. When combined with egg white, the yeast in the beer produces a filmy mask that hydrates and increases the elasticity of your skin. Introducing a dash of lime, a supply of vitamin C, helps you to apparent pores and fade brown spots.
The Fact About orange face mask That No One Is Suggesting
Yes, you might use lime instead for lemon juice, but for me, lemon is among the most utilised as it's acidity is bigger when compared to the acidity of other citruses. Thanks! Certainly No click here , shiny and tangerine, the peel of the orange consists of antioxidants and utilizing it regularly in face packs gives you obvious and brighter skin right away. This assistance permits you to join or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to get paid revenue from advertisements on the content. No data is shared Unless of course you engage using this type of aspect. (Privateness Policy) Do it by yourself: Which has a potato masher, mash the sugar and açai powder or slush Along with the berries, then slowly but surely insert the olive oil; Incorporate coarsely having a whisk. Massage in the face. Leave on for around 5 minutes, then rinse with heat water. In accordance Along with the law of 8th December 1992, you are able to accessibility the databases containing your own facts and modify this info at any time by contacting Hyperlink to Media ([email protected]) Incorporate a spoonful of oatmeal, baking soda, and peel powder to a few spoons of water and mix them right until it types a paste. • Merely rubbing refreshing orange peel on the face assists lighten skin color. What's more, it tightens the skin and increases the texture. step to remedies in water and then position it inside a spot where by it can soak up many sunshine. When the peels dry, crush them having a mortar and pestle right into a fantastic powder. You may use this powder for the many for recipes outlined beneath on how to use orange peel in face masks: Did you know that strawberries are one of the best all-natural items, made by mother nature, to use on the skin? They comprise critical fruit acids (AHA's), which include salicylic acid, which is commercially marketed with success for acne therapy. The anti-inflammatory property of coffee will help in lessening inflammatory pores and skin conditions. Additionally, coffee is loaded with antioxidants that protect the skin from cost-free radicals that are to blame for premature getting old with the pores and skin. We like this oatmeal face mask as a result of addition of vinegar to the combination. Vinegar is a light acid which implies it's antiseptic Homes (receives rid of micro organism) but received’t hurt the skin. Be Light with your skin when applying. Carefully utilize a thick coat. Don't rub it harshly on your skin as this might induce the skin to become crimson and Ugly. https://www.wikihow.com/Apply-Face-Masks-Correctly check out the strong nutrients in raw honey for its nourishing Advantages to pores and skin! Below, find out about 3 unique face masks you may Check out on your own in your own home, Just about every with a unique reward. Get it done on your own: Submerge the shells in ice for 15 to twenty minutes. Take out with the ice and slip the idea of the finger snugly into your slender mouth of each and every shell.
diy face mask No Further a Mystery
For mask recipes that call for honey, vegans can possibly substitute a small amount of pureed banana, or merely omit it. When it’s time to clean the mask off, you'll want to set a strainer within your sink or shower drain to capture massive particles: you don’t want to clog your drains. Now, unfold this paste gently and Similarly using a facial mask spatula or brush with your clean up neck and face; keep the eye location clear. Using vinegar as a skin toner dates back to time of Helen of Troy, and it’s just as powerful these days. When you clean your face, blend 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with 2 cups drinking water to be a ending rinse to cleanse and tighten the skin. Pretty scarce scenarios the place somebody has become idiosyncrasy of this item. Any yeast face mask has probably the most constructive assessments. In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbW9CllaGhQ for you to make sure that the yeast mask won't induce hurt to your skin, use a small degree of diluted yeast in heat water from the wrist and rinse following 10 minutes if there isn't any reaction, you are able to safely and securely progress towards the recipes. Because the peel is rich in vitamin C, it guards skin from free of charge radical injury, keeps acne at bay and encourages a wholesome glowing pores and skin. The oatmeal deep cleanses your pores and drives out any dirt, grime and oil within the surface on the skin. Here's five effective face packs for an acne-free of charge skin. Bear in mind that you ought to not abuse this mask: the yeast face mask is good if you employ it 1-two times each week. Greater use the yeast in blocks that crumble prior to planning masks. Implement the combination on to your face working with clear finger guidelines inside a circular motion. Enable sit for quarter-hour. In this particular time, you will take A fast soak within the bath or read a chapter of that book you’ve been meaning to finish. Retain you peaceful. To finish your registration be sure to enter the verification code you acquired on your own mobile. In the event you haven't gained the verification code, be sure to SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 alright perfectly it seems to acquire built my skin smoother, but I have a single idea: it may well seem to be noticeable, but don’t place it in the eyebrows!! ? the cinnamon will get trapped in them and you have to wipe it out harshly using a soaked paper towel or wipe hahah & also when rinsing your face don’t scrub along with your fingers, get it done gently or it’ll induce irritation from your small parts of cinnamon powder and it’s kinda distressing ? I’m going to try and Check out back in tomorrow early morning to see if and of my acne has cleared up! Depart the mixture on your own face for at least 5 minutes prior to rinsing it off. You can even test these uncomplicated Do-it-yourself face masks that can help unclog your pores. Now, easy the paste equally and gently using your fingertips over the thoroughly clean neck and face; keep your eye area crystal clear. Many people throw out orange peels once they’re completed having or juicing an orange. But Are you aware that orange peels absolutely are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels even have a bigger vitamin C written content in comparison to the fleshy inside of! B natural vitamins refresh and tone the pores and skin, raise blood circulation in cells, normalize metabolic procedures; Enable it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse your face with chilly drinking water and pat dry by using a thoroughly clean towel. The skin will come to feel amazingly smooth and look clean up and moisturised. If the face is slightly dry after the mask, particularly in acne parts, simply make use of a drop of olive oil for a purely natural moisturizer.
Getting My diy face mask To Work
Pretty scarce circumstances exactly where somebody has actually been idiosyncrasy of this item. Any yeast face mask has quite possibly the most good evaluations. In order for you to make sure that the yeast mask won't result in harm to your skin, implement a small level of diluted yeast in warm h2o while in the wrist and rinse following 10 minutes if there isn't a response, it is possible to properly proceed to your recipes. Include 1 tablespoon of contemporary yoghurt. If yoghurt is just not out there then you can utilize a tablespoon of curd as well. Caution: Prolonged use of aspirin or weighty doses need to be prevented, as it could go away the pores and skin excessively dry and help it become glimpse yellow. Aspirin doesn't fit all skins, which also needs to be very carefully regarded as When picking which face mask to implement. 4 actions skin whitening components that can assist you to receive sought after skin tone you might also like Software: Use a layer of your apple honey mask in your full face. Wait for 10 to fifteen minutes and Permit the mask dry up somewhat. After that, wash the mask off With all the lukewarm water and wait for the outcomes! One more pleasurable update: When you add honey to this mixture, it does not dry rigid at all. I failed to anticipate that but it surely's pleasant! Honey has antibacterial and calming Houses, And that i applied Manuka honey and that is recognized for acquiring the highest antibacterial properties. I'm positive it is possible to mix a couple of other items in it likewise. The sugar scrub should be of your consistency as noticed within the picture. Utilize it for Your whole body to have skin that feels rejuvenated and smells contemporary. Don’t turn this right into a scrub by rubbing it into your skin. Following quarter-hour, eliminate the mask with warm water, then with chilly water. This mask may perhaps seem rather Unusual on This web site meant for organic and natural solutions, but utilizing Aspirin – Honey Mask for managing acne can be a successful and simple Resolution. This is an excellent mask for fellas, as it may possibly soothe both of those razor melt away, and around-weathered Winter season pores and skin. The yogurt acts to be a moisturizer, though the cucumber lessens redness and presents moisture to dry, sensitive pores and skin. Many of them are proposed to maintain the face to dry completely. Yeast right after using the mask is easily removed with warm drinking water (improved to choose just the filtered, freed from impurities). So, the choice – for you! This simple yeast mask is simpler for cleaning pimples face and black heads which might be by far the most trending pores and skin troubles for teenagers. This orange peel powder has purposes manifold. via steptoremedies.com includes citric acid that helps from the brightening of skin By natural means. Thereafter clean it off working with lukewarm h2o and end with a single splash of chilly; pat the skin dry using a thoroughly clean towel.
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footmantravelagency ¡ 4 years ago
Best Things to Do in Aruba on a Cruise (2021)
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Cruise Tips by HeidiLast updated on: March 30, 2021
Our Best Things to Do in Aruba on a Cruise updated for 2021 will help you prepare for your next vacation to the Southern Caribbean.
Top Things to Do in Aruba on a Cruise
Aruba is a Southern Caribbean island, collectively with Bonaire and Curacao, referred to as the ABC islands. Its location, 15 miles north of Venezuela, lies just below the hurricane belt. This makes it an ideal port of call for many Southern Caribbean cruises.
In fact, Aruba has the least rainfall of all the Caribbean islands; thus, the weather is mostly sunny and dry year round and leading to desert-like terrain. However, the trade winds keep temperatures in an ideal zone and lend to beautiful warm water beaches. These ideal weather conditions attract many tourists seeking some fun in the sun.
If your next cruise is stopping in Oranjestad, the island’s capital, you’ll want to take a look at our list of the Best Things to Do in Aruba on a Cruise.
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Best Things to Do in Aruba on a Cruise (2021)
Take an Off-Road Adventure
With Aruba’s dry and arid terrain, there is no better way to explore all the natural wonders this island has to offer than with an off-road adventure. Head out in a 4×4 vehicle to marvel at the dramatic coastline and visit natural formations.
Highlights of this type of tour can include the Natural Bridge, the Natural Pool located in the Arikok National Park, the Rock Formations, and several other notable Aruba landmarks.
We recommend booking the Island Ultimate Safari with ABC Tours Aruba for an unforgettable off-road adventure.
Best Things to Do in Aruba on a Cruise for 2020
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The original Natural Bridge in Aruba was one of the largest natural formations from coral limestone until its collapse in 2005. It spanned between the Bushiribana gold mine ruins and Andicuri Beach. Despite its collapse, the remains of this “mother” bridge and other smaller natural bridges are still popular photo spots.
The Natural Pool, also referred to as “Conchi”, is located in the Arikok National Park. It is known as the hidden pool surrounded by volcanic stone formations.
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This area is only accessible by 4×4 due to the rugged surrounding terrain. Believe us, it is quite the bumpy ride to get there!
The Arikok National Park covers 20% of the island. It offers plenty of other natural landscapes to explore as well, including the Indian drawings within the caves.
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Best Things to Do in Aruba on a Cruise for 2020
The Ayo and Casibari Rock Formations are also notable natural formations. The Ayo Rock Formations are located near the Natural Bridge; while the Casibari Rock Formations are located in the center of the island. Both locations offer the unique opportunity to view and walk among the giant boulders that have been carved out over time by nature.
From atop these locations, you will be able to capture great photos of the island.
Sight See on an Island Tour
If a 4×4 off-road adventure is not your idea of fun, maybe you would prefer to tour the island via an air-conditioned bus. Several island tours are available that offer different combinations of drive-bys and stops at popular island highlights.
These can include some of the natural formations above. In addition, you can visit the Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins, Alto Vista Chapel, California Lighthouse, Aloe Factory and Museum, Donkey Sanctuary, and Ostrich Farm.
The Bushiribana Gold Mill once processed ore from the neighboring mines during the 19th century gold rush in Aruba. Today, visitors can tour the remaining ruins. It is located right next to the Natural Bridge so is definitely worth a few photo-ops while in the area.
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Best Things to Do in Aruba on a Cruise for 2020
The present day Alto Vista Chapel built in 1952 sits on the site of the first Catholic church built in Aruba in 1750. While visiting this small yellow church, take a moment to meditate on the grounds or simply enjoy the spectacular views of the North Coast.
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The California Lighthouse, built between 1914-1916 and named after the S.S. California, is now a popular tourist attraction. Since a renovation that was completed in 2016, visitors can once again climb to the top of the lighthouse for views of Aruba’s north coastline.
Best Things to Do in Aruba on a Cruise
While visiting Aruba you might also want to tour the Aloe Factory and Museum. Here, tour guides will explain Aruba’s history with aloe. It is said that the Caribbean sun and desert-like environment of Aruba intensifies the healing properties of aloe. So, be sure to purchase some products during your visit.
The Donkey Sanctuary, created as a non-profit organization in 1997, has helped to save the population from near extinction on the island. During your visit, you can interact with these creatures. There is no entrance fee but donations are encouraged.
If you are an animal lover, you might also want to visit the Ostrich Farm. Here, you can gain knowledge about ostriches and emus as well as interact with these creatures. You can see firsthand how big an ostrich egg really is!
Make it a Beach Day
If you are visiting Aruba, you will want to take advantage of the crystal clear waters and white sand beaches that this island boasts. Some of the more popular beaches on the island include Eagle Beach, Palm Beach, and Baby Beach.
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Best Things to do in Aruba on a Cruise
Eagle Beach, the widest beach on the island, has been proclaimed as one of the best beaches in Aruba and is free to the public. It is conveniently located near the cruise port and offers beach hut and chair rentals for a fee.
There are plenty of trees too if you are seeking to relax in the shade. In fact, Eagle Beach is known for its Divi Divi trees. Eagle Beach is not only popular among tourists but also among sea turtles, as a large population nests here each year.
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Palm Beach, another tourist favorite, is home to Aruba’s resort hotels and is a bit livelier than Eagle Beach. This beach hosts many restaurants, bars, watersport rentals, and family friendly activities. There will certainly be something for everyone to enjoy at this beach.
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Best Things to do in Aruba on a Cruise for 2020
Baby Beach, located on the southeastern side of the island, is located a bit further from the cruise terminal but is a calm, shallow lagoon making it the perfect beach for families with small children. Baby Beach is also a recommended snorkel location on the island.
You will find snack options and equipment rentals here, with fewer crowds than Eagle and Palm beaches.
Visit De Palm Island
If you are looking for a more all-inclusive beach experience while visiting Aruba, check out De Palm Island. This island getaway is perfect for families and couples alike. This all-inclusive experience is open from 9 am to 5 pm daily and offers unlimited food and beverages including a breakfast and lunch buffet and grill station.
This fee also includes use of beach chairs and huts as well as water sports and equipment. Whether you want to participate in a complimentary snorkel tour, soar on a zipline, take a ride on a banana boat, challenge yourself on an air-jumper, or enjoy the water park, it is all yours to enjoy endlessly throughout the day.
While on De Palm Island, you can also opt to pay an additional fee for signature experiences like SNUBA or a Sea Trek underwater helmet walk.
Take a Sunset Sail
If you have the luxury of spending an evening in Aruba, then a sunset sail should complete your list of the Best Things to Do in Aruba on a Cruise.
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Several tour companies offer similar excursions that take a leisurely catamaran cruise along the Caribbean Sea at sunset. It’s a perfectly romantic activity for you and your significant other to enjoy. Sit back and watch the Aruban sky glow while enjoying some cocktails and hors d’oeuvres during this approximately 2 hour sail. What better way to end your visit to Aruba?
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sandjsbeachbumbonanza ¡ 4 years ago
Day 110 – Bye bye killer plankton… hello tsetse flies
We woke up very early this morning to go to the airport. Zuri organised everything like clockwork, including breakfast boxes complete with hardboiled eggs, bread, sandwiches, fruit and drinks. Dulla picked us up and took us to the airport. He has now become our driver during our stay in Zanzibar, and we organised for him to pick us up on Monday from the airport.
When we arrived at the airport, we were concerned to see a huge throng of people standing around with their bags. Fortunately, Dulla informed us these were the Russians waiting for their flight back to Moscow. S lowered his head and started forging a path through the scrum. It wasn’t easy, but we made it. We are happy to report that no little children were stepped on in the process.
Domestic departures at Zanzibar is a rather casual affair. Before entering the departure zone, we had to stop by the ‘security desk’, which is just a guy sitting under an umbrella who checked our printed airline ticket confirmation and passports. We put our bags through the scanners and went through the metal detector, which went off. Apparently that’s not a problem here and we just kept going. We found the one-person check-in desk for Coastal Air. A guy came up to grab our luggage and take it to a physical scale across the room to make sure we didn’t exceed the 15kg per person limit. He then affixed some handwritten baggage tags to our bags.
We joined the other safari aspirants in a holding pen and got some coke and beer from the coffee shop. Amusingly, J saw that the gift shop has Korean writing on its sign. We have no idea why. There was no flight board and boarding announcements were also a bit casual. They consisted of the check-in desk guys coming by and shouting out the airline name and destination. We tried to board the wrong flight a few times. Finally our check-in guy told us to stand by and he would come find us for our flight. We were finally walked to the plane, where we joined three other passengers, who were already on the plane. Before we boarded, we were shown our luggage in the hold of the plane. Otherwise, the handwritten bag tags might have made us slightly nervous given our experience with InterCaribbean Airways.
Our flight to Arusha was about 1 hour 40 minutes, which doesn’t seem long unless you are on a very small aircraft and need to use the loo. When we arrived in Arusha, our Coastal Air minder mercifully took us by the loo before taking us out of the terminal and back into the terminal through security. This time when the metal detector went off, S was asked to remove his belt, watch and wallet. The metal detector went off again, but this time they decided to let him pass without further inspection. We were then put in a holding pen. J took the opportunity to buy some popcorn. We waited in the pen until a guy came and called us by name to board the flight. We followed him back on to the same plane that we had just come off of. Once again, we were shown our luggage in the hold.
The flight from Arusha to Seronera was only around an hour, but was extremely bumpy due to high winds. We both had to control our air sickness. S helpfully pointed out that there were air sickness bags in each seat, just in case. We skidded to a landing and exited the plane. S contemplated kissing the earth, but thought better of it as it was a dirt runway (hence the skidding). We were met by our Serena guide, Godson. He loaded us into the standard Toyota Landcruiser. Like Dona’s car, this one has a pop-up roof and windows that only slide partially open.
We headed off down the dirt road to our first lodge, Serena Serengeti. Almost immediately, we spotted two lions that were courting one another under a tree. We only saw them briefly as they ducked down and hid in the tall grass. Thankfully Godson also has binoculars, which he loaned to S. On the way to the lodge, we saw a variety of animals, including a warthog, impalas and baboons. While we were viewing the impalas, we met another resident of Tanzania, the tsetse fly. Tsetse flies are bloodsucking parasites, that resemble western horse flies. Apparently their bite is quite painful and stays itchier longer than a mosquito bite. Fortunately we were only annoyed and not bitten. At that point, Godson said he needed to drive quickly as we were driving through an area with a tsetse fly infestation and he did not want to let them get into the car. He lent J an animal hair fly swatter, which she used liberally, including smacking Godson in the head to protect him from flies, and S in the eye as he was collateral damage. These are no ordinary flies – these suckers are mean and aggressive.
We then arrived at the lodge and were ushered straight to lunch as lunch was ending. J spent most of the time googling tsetse flies, bite prevention and how to repel them. The answer is – good luck. Even DEET is not 100% effective and they can bite through your clothing.
Lunch was three courses in a beautifully decorated lodge, with wood carvings and overstuffed leather chairs. We only saw one other group dining and they oddly seemed to be on business as they were wearing business casual reminiscent of S’ gorilla trekking attire. We had a zucchini soup and a fruit cup and J also had a main (stir fry chicken). J seemed to get the benefit of this lunch as by the time S had given J all his watermelon, there was almost no fruit left for him in his fruit cup. J’s cup, on the other hand, runneth over with watermelon.
We were then taken to our room. The standard rooms are in a thatched roof cottage. There is one room on the ground floor and one room up a ramp. We have a gorgeous view looking out over the Serengeti and one of the windows looks out on a tree filled with different, colourful birds. The room oddly has lodge décor but resembles a hotel room. There is even a hotel phone to call reception, something we haven’t seen in any lodge to date. The staff had made an elephant towel creature for us and left us an impressive bowl of fruit. The room and bathroom are smaller than our previous lodge rooms, but are practical and clean. We already know that we have electricity, WiFi and a fan, so that’s a step in the right direction. This place is run very professionally and has a bit of a corporate feel. After our experience in Uganda, this is not necessarily a bad thing. S is particularly happy as while there are some stairs, all are clearly marked so he can see them.
We were told that we are strictly forbidden from walking alone at night as there are dangerous wild animals walking around the property. Instead of the usual Masai guards, J saw a guy in camouflage gear holding an AK47. We assume that he will be our escort tonight.
As we didn’t have a game drive this afternoon, we decided to try out the pool, which is a few feet from our room. It is kidney-shaped, shallow at both ends and more than 2 metres / 7 feet deep in the middle. There is even a full-time pool guy who clearly doesn’t have much to do as no one was using the pool today. He thanked us for stopping by. He saw us check it out earlier today and was worried we weren’t coming back. He set us up with two padded sunloungers in the shade and got us some cocktails and towels. His name is Musa and he’s from the Lake Victoria area. He spent a lot of time chatting with us – he’s clearly bored and keen to be helping out guests. The pool was nice, albeit a bit cool with a few flies (thankfully not the blood-sucking ones). Musa told us during the very dry season, animals stop by to drink from the pool as it’s only lightly chlorinated. He said they’ve seen lions, leopards, giraffes, buffalos and zebras.
Dinner was another 3-course affair. We skipped the starters and just had mains and dessert. S had the veggie fusilli and fruit cup and J had the black pepper beef tenderloin with a cheese plate. Fortunately for S, there was only a limited amount of watermelon on his fruit plate, so he got to eat most of it.
After eating, we decided to sit in the bar and finish our wine in the bar’s outdoor seating area overlooking the grounds. This turned out to be a perfect viewing spot for dik-diks. The dik-diks basically stayed there the entire time and did not run off. J got to watch them eat and lounge around, while they watched out for leopards. We also heard some not too distant hyenas making their usual whooping noise.
Our escort this evening is very knowledgeable and friendly. He likes to point out animals with his torch as he guides you around. J asked him to get close to the dik-diks, which he did. He said the dik-diks live on the grounds and are not afraid of humans. It is safer here as the cats don’t come around as frequently, but the dik-diks still get killed by leopards from time to time. In a tree right next to our room, he pointed out bush babies, which J had not yet seen. Bush babies are nocturnal and only come out at night, so they are hard to spot. All in all, we had a nice evening.
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sisitrip ¡ 4 years ago
You recently asked how WIP readers cope with the waiting. You opened the door, let’s unpack this shit.
Most of us cope about the same. We love the anticipatory torture and dose ourselves in satisfaction for as long as the length of the new chapter allows. Then we go back to tortured waiting like masochists often do. I personally re-read previous chapters for missed nuances.
Well, look at how that lie slipped right on out.  
In embarrassing truth, I re-read the previous chapters because I’m hooked by the story and need a fix. Eh, a jonesing is as a jonesing does.
What makes the wait nearly unbearable is how easily we’re connected to the story unfolding, damn near in real time. No pesky waiting for publication via traditional book channels. That’s the real torture - the ease of access.
Can we agree that e-mail notifications are a special brand of sadism? When the notices are not what we want, they irritate the wounds of our impatience with every damn ding. Raw by 8:00 am from e-mail notifications that a bill has been paid, or mutli-Amazon messages that your unnecessary orders are on their way, or the relentless Wayfair announcements that we have GOT to see the new seaside collection of pillows.
Fuck a Wayfair.
I’m electrified by every useless notification because I am waiting for an insanely calm message that the story I am living for has a new chapter. Why the fuck don’t the dry, brittle new chapter notices from AO3 reflect the seismic consequence of alerting a starving reader that their tonic has arrived in all it’s Pulp Fiction suitcase glory? Those AO3 notices should break into Stevie Wonder’s “As” the minute that shit hits your in-box.
All the foregoing  said, I’ll comment briefly on the latest installment of ORFNSP. I struggle with cliff hangers. I do and I am trying to embrace them like we all embrace the one neighbor who always brings deviled eggs to festive functions. You devil-egged us with that cliffy. No aspersions casted on the quality of the chapter or its twists and turns. That chapter was unexpected shade on a hot, sunny day. But, I am eyelid twitching over the snatch. The yank back. It was mosquito bite scratching good for those of us who love/hate pressing on a sore spot.  I enjoyed it like you enjoy something shouldn’t. Been reflecting on why cliff hangers bring ire and happiness, but I am not ready to go Venom deep on that right now.
I enjoy this fic. It forced me out of anonlandia and into Tumblr registration. I followed you out of AO3 (first time ever) and into your Tumblr account because I jonesed myself into stalker territory. As someone who’s leanings making them susceptible to the right energy, I am led nose first where you take this story. Not complaining about that, but wanted you know the ride is bumpy as hell, but I’m with you.
Thank you for the pain and the joy.
what if i got on my knees and begged you to update on wednesday instead of the weekeend
I'd suggest that you pray for peace while you're down there, because your girl is 2booked 2busy to make that happen, unfortunately.
I was wondering about what it's like for some WIP readers, because I love and appreciate you all. How do you guys cope with the wait for fics that have longer update schedules, or may not even have schedules at all?
Does knowing there's a longer or unpredictable wait time actually make it easier in some way? Because I think I could see the rationale behind that.
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garlic8reath ¡ 7 years ago
Namekian Biology Headcanons Pt. 1
I rearranged my headcanons in one file, and there’s 9 pages, so obviously they’re not going into one post, I’m not that cruel. So let’s start with some basic internal/external body structure headcanons, stuff about the skin, teeth & claws, blood, etc. Stuff about their senses, lifespans, regeneration, Ki and Magic, and reproduction will come later.
-Namekians just don't have bones. Their thick skin, tendons, and musculature hold their body's structure together just fine, and the lack of internal skeletal structures allow for stretchiness/flexibility of the body, and make rapid cellular regeneration easier. The exceptions are a few internal, modified shell structures, mainly around the brain (pseudoskull), and along the back (think of a squid's pen.)
-The pseudoskull slowly continues to grow as a Namekian ages, this is why elderly Namekians have larger/longer heads.
-A Namekian's teeth and jaw structure (including cheekbones) are a modified beak, made of chitin. Their tounge has bristles, but the bristles are very reduced due to lack of need of ingesting solid food for the most part (modified radula).
-The claws are also chitin; fangs and claws are mainly for self-defense (and occasionally sexual foreplay.)
-The pink/yellow patches on a Namekian's body are slightly calcerous and are derived from ancient external shell structures. They are tougher than the rest of the skin, serve as natural body armor, and have reduced sensitivity to touch. Though tough, these areas are not true armor structures, and are still very flexible, allowing for stretching (or being squished or pierced). These patches guard areas with major arteries and internal organs (the heart is in the center of the torso, near the top of the stomach armor patch.)
-The areas of contoured green skin on the arms/legs/torso are like the bumpy areas of skin on slugs/snails. The smooth areas of skin are the most touch-sensitive, though even these areas are thick-skinned. The red borders around the armor patches and certain joints have the same sort of texture as the contoured green areas, and both are tougher and less touch-sensitive than the smooth areas.
-Their skin texture in general is similar to that of a succulent plant, most like an aloe, smooth and waxy.
-The waxy outer cuticle of the skin can scatter the light across the skin in such a way that the skin can appear bluish in some Namekians. There is no blue pigment in the skin/chloroplasts, it's the same effect that makes certain conifers and succulents appear bluish. A bluish/aqua appearing Namekian is almost certainly an adult, but not a senior, as the waxy cuticle is thinner in juveniles and seniors.
-Skin shade/color varies between individuals, but all are a more bright, light green at birth, that gets darker towards maturity. In middle and old age, the skin tone becomes duller and more yellow-toned.
-The armor patches on Namekians are an almost lilac pink at birth, which changes to a rose-pink during youth and into adulthood. The patches turn salmon-pink, and then gradually fade to yellow as the Namekian ages.
-Armored patches are not present in hatchlings, they develop over the course of the first year.
-The closest thing to Sliddies (slug tiddies) these guys have are just large pectoral muscles and/or fat/water deposits (again, think of aloe leaves.) There's no nipples, and the concept of lactation is viscerally horrifying to Namekians.
-They can be fat/chubby, but it's probably more similar to plump succulent leaves than the fat deposits other animals have, simply because slugs/gastropods/mollusks in general don't really store fat, and there's not really any reason that a mostly photosynthesizing race would. Any energy-storage tissue would be more like the goop that's inside aloe leaves than anything.
-As well as blood, Namekians bleed a slimy plasma with suspended chloroplasts in it (the green goop that comes out of them when body parts get severed or regrown.)
-Their sweat is akin to a thin, slick slime. Though the skin is thick, and has a waxy cuticle to protect against dessication, they sweat easily and often in order to rehydrate and replenish the outer layer of the skin.
-Purple blood color implies maybe a Hemerythrin (pink/violet oxygenated) and Hemocyanin (blue oxygenated) mixture in their blood cells (in some stable form, maybe.) Or just Hemocyanin with some other pink/purple pigment in the blood cells? Hemocyanin is common in mollusks, while Hemerythrin is limited to annelids...
-Their houses/spaceships are somewhat similar to Murex shells, which are the same snails that are the source of Tyrian purple dye... Maybe the pigment for Tyrian purple is within their blood as well as hemocyanin, forming the dark purple/indigo blood color?? The Tyrian purple compound is also used for self-defense and as an antiseptic for eggs; could be used for similar purposes in Namekians.
-Namekians being able to naturally produce Tyrian purple is why purple/maroon dyes seem to be so common for their clothing (though they use magic for clothing, maybe it makes it easier to magically sythesize purple colors.)
-Murex shell houses also could imply a spiny-shelled common ancestor. Shells/spikes were probably ditched by natural selection for being too resource-intensive, and much less necessary as Namekians got really good at brain stuff/ki/magic. Also goes with the theory of neoteny in sapient races; lack of shells/highly reduced shells would be considered neotenous traits to stem-Namekians.
-Maybe in the past (and in the future, as Namekians regain more genetic diversity), certain individuals could have little blunt spikes or ridges on their armor patches, or on their heads (from the pseudoskull).
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